forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"She pointed her wand at my face and said to stay away from her!" Scipio looked up, his face streaked with tears and his eyes red. It seemed that he had just fallen to pieces then and there. "I-I'm pretty sure that's hate, and I've experienced a lot of hate in my life."


Corinne was sitting on her bed, sobbing. Why had she done that? Why? She shouldn't have freaked out like that. And now, she had lost her friend most likely. There was no way that Scipio didn't hate her. There was no way. Her sobs subsided, until she was running out of tears. Corinne wiped her eyes and pulled her blankets over her head.


"I-I can't have people hate me, Eleanor!" Scipio leaned against Eleanor, drawing in a wavering breath. "I'm a prefect, and people need to be able to come to me for help! I… I-I shouldn't be the one needing help…" His voice cracked. "My father killed hers, a-and there's no way she'll ever see me the same way. T-To her, I'm the son of her father's murderer."


She held him at arms length. "Hey, Look at me. Listen, Blood isn't everything. You should know this. If she can't see past who your blood connects you to, that's her problem." She pulled him back into a hug. "You are not your father."


"I try so hard to not be, El… b-but every time I look in the mirror, I see my father. I see everything he's done. People who don't know what he did tell me I look so much like him, thinking it's a compliment…" He choked back more sobs. "B-But in fact, they're just reminding me how much I'm like him, how I could turn just like he did…"


"My mother worked so hard to hush the whole matter up. That's why no one knows, and I was off the hook until now…" Scipio tried to wipe the tears from his face. "Otherwise, everyone would be talking about it. 'Oh, there goes Scipio Massimo, bet he's mad just like his father.' 'Oh! Watch out! He'll kill you!'"


Eleanor sighed. "Okay, I'm gonna be a little hard on ya Scip. Quit crying, chin up. It's done and over with. If you keep worrying about what people think, you're going to be bloody anxious for the rest of your life. It's okay to be upset, but don't let it rule ya. Okay?"


Scipio nodded, forcing himself to stop as he had always done. He was beginning to think Corinne was right about the whole 'bottled up' concept, and that it really had happened to him. All his former dignity and stubbornness was gone, replaced with what was beneath the intelligent prefect exterior. A broken past hidden for ten years that he was still trying to hush up.


(Rip okay)
He did so, or the best as he could do. He looked up at Eleanor, his clear blue eyes locking with hers for a moment. They silently expressed a 'thank you'; one that he was not brave enough to audibly utter.


(Noooooooo ;-; bye)
"….A little." Scipio said quietly. "A little less so when I remember I've probably made someone hate me, but slightly better I suppose."


Scipio nodded and was silent for a moment. "Thank you." He finally said. It was hardly audible, but it was there.


"We… we should go. Surely I can find some textbook to reread." Scipio pulled himself to his feet.