forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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Scipio hesitated before speaking. "I never told you about my father, did I, Allegra?" He said in a smooth voice, keeping his eyes on the book so the others wouldn't see the tears pooling in them again.


(I had this idea that Corinne's dad wasn't in a car accident, that's just what she is supposed to tell people. What if her dad was actually murdered by Scipio's dad, but neither of them know it yet.)


(O frick yes I'm always down for a good bit of drama. What if Corinne doesn't know Scipio's last name and then when she hears it she's like Oh. Well frick.)


After receiving no response, Scipio continued. "Well, he's in Azkaban. Death Eater. A servant of the Dark Lord himself." He said bitterly, his knuckles going white from how tight he held onto his book.


Corinne saw that he was upset. "It's okay to cry, Scipio. Never be afraid to cry. You will feel better after a good cry. It works for me." She reassured, and she chuckled softly.


Despite Corinne's assurances, Scipio still refused to let himself cry. "The main thing that landed him in there was killing a man. A muggle, I think. I don't remember his name."


Corinne dropped her wand. She jumped up, a tear leaking out of one eye. She pulled a portrait out of her pocket. "Is this…" she broke off and swallowed. "Is this…the man who, um, your father…killed?"


Scipio looked at the photo and froze. "Y-Yes, why… why do you…?" Why does she have a picture of that man?


Corinne picked up her wand. Then, she aimed it at Scipio's face. "My father was not in a car accident. He would never, he's such a careful driver. My father was murdered, murdered by your father. So for your personal safety, stay away from me." She shoved the portrait back into her pocket, and jumped on her broomstick. She flew away.


Scipio stared at her wand in shock with his eyes wide, the tears he had been holding back rolling down his cheeks. When she left, he broke down, drawing his knees up to his chest and hiding his face in his crossed arms as he sobbed. This is why I don't tell people! This is the exact reason I've kept quiet all these years! He was shaking, and seemed to have forgotten that Allegra was there at all.


(Bro he didn't kill your father and he can't control his dad lmao why must you hate him he's sweet)


(I know, she doesn't hate him, she's just angry. Maybe later he tries to get into the Ravenclaw common room to see Corinne, and she's not mad anymore, and they become friends again.)