forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"Or maybe it's not a spell… it could be a magical core, like in wands." Scipio started pacing, as he did when he was thinking. "I haven't done an extensive amount of research on wandlore… I'm so stupid! I've got to do that at some point. Or maybe magical wood! Where would the books on magical substances be in the library? I'll need wandlore books for cores, and perhaps herbology books for wood…" Scipio thought aloud, still pacing.


"Oh! Of course! I'm so stupid, I can just get books on Quidditch! Although it wouldn't hurt to get the other books as well…" He turned towards Allegra and Eleanor. "Do either of you know where to find books on Quidditch in the library? As you might imagine, I don't look into the subject often."


(HEEEEEEEEEEY you can have your character respond to Scipio's "Yo my arm was broken but it ain't anymore" if you want. I'd recommend quoting tho so it's less confusing)


"But like, in Quidditch you're moving around and everything! How on earth is one expected to stay on a broomstick during that, and play a game while doing so?"

Corrine looked up. "The force of gravity acting on the broomstick is 9.8 Newtons. So imagine for a minute that you have a tug-of-war game going on with a bunch of kids, who for some reason have exactly the same amount of strength and tug-of-war skill. If we have an equal number of kids on each side of the rope, the amount of force trying to move the rope on each side will be equal. As you might imagine, this means that the rope won’t move. Now if we add one extra kid to the left side of the rope, the rope will start moving to the left. If we add two extra kids to the left side of the rope, the rope will move left even faster. The same principle applies to lifting our broomstick off the ground.If we ignore things like the viscosity of the air, we can determine that in order for lift off to happen, our magical broom needs to exert more than 9.8 Newtons of thrust. If we want it to sit stationary, the broom needs to exert the same amount of force as the gravity pulling down on it (9.8 Newtons), and to descend we need to exert less than 9.8 Newtons of thrust. How fast the broomstick moves up or down will depend on how much more (or less) the force is. " She blushed and looked down at her book again. "Sorry. I do that a lot."


(Scipio:…..I like this girl)
Scipio was quiet for a moment, soaking in the information. "I like this girl, she actually knows things. Granted, it's about Quidditch, but it goes more in depth than 'I dunno, magic' for sure." Then, he began pacing again. "I still do want to know more about wandlore, however. I'll have to ask the librarian where everything is."
(Chances are he'll read a ton of books on Quidditch too so he knows what his sporty friends are talking about lmao)


"Er, I'm a Slytherin, but those two are always joking about how the Sorting Hat 'misplaced me' and I should've been a Ravenclaw. But then I explain the similarities and differences between the houses, the main similarity being intelligence but Slytherins tend to be more ambitious than Ravenclaws."


"Er, I'm a Slytherin, but those two are always joking about how the Sorting Hat 'misplaced me' and I should've been a Ravenclaw. But then I explain the similarities and differences between the houses, the main similarity being intelligence but Slytherins tend to be more ambitious than Ravenclaws."

Corrine narrowed her eyes. "You aren't…one of those Slytherins, are you? The kind that thinks that you are better than muggle-borns?"


"Of course not. I have known many muggleborns who are much more powerful than Purebloods. And while I am a Pureblood, blood type does not define a person. Like Professor Dumbledore likes to say, 'It is not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.'"


Corinne shrugged, "That's good enough for me." She was silent for a minute. "Actually that is really cool. I'm a half-blood myself. My mother is a fine witch herself. My father, however, didn't even know that magic existed until I got my letter. He was very accepting and kind, and he dealt with the shock very well. But two weeks after my first year started, there was a car accident, and-" Her eyes filled with tears.