forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"Er, it's not too dangerous, is it?" The butterbeer arrived and Scipio examined it curiously. "Do you know what the alcohol content of this stuff is?"


Scipio hesitated before taking a sip of the butterbeer. "Not bad. What's that strange aftertaste?" He drank a little more of it.


After Scipio finished his drink, they left the Three Broomsticks. "So, you're going to throw me into the air like a baby bird out of the nest now?"


"You know, mother birds push their fledglings out of the nest so they'll learn how to fly. As you are going to make me get on a broomstick, the two are not unlike each other, no?" Scipio explained.


"Never mind… let's just get the whole matter over with, hmm?" Scipio followed Allegra and Eleanor to the training grounds, where a broomstick was thrust into his arms.


"Never mind… let's just get the whole matter over with, hmm?" Scipio followed Allegra and Eleanor to the training grounds, where a broomstick was thrust into his arms.

Eleanor nodded. "I think you'll enjoy flying!"