forum So, um, who wants to do a Harry Potter Roleplay? (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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(Ooo I love cats but patience is a virtue. A virtue that I do not have lol. When will you return?)


Scipio mounted the broom and rose a few feet into the air. "Hey, this isn't so ba- ah!" The broom jerked upwards before speeding away, much farther up than Scipio would have preferred. He screamed, clinging to the broomstick for dear life. "WHAT DO I DO?!"


Name: Lucinda Fay (lucky)
Age: 13
Year: 3
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi
Personality: develop
House: gryffindor
Appearance: meduim black avy hair in loose curls, forest green eyes
Other: she has an owl named storm


(Noice now feel free to walk in on the scene that is Scipio literally being the most incompetent person on a broomstick I have ever seen, excluding Neville Longbottom)


Scipio tried to tilt the broom forward to get down to the ground like he remembered from class, but his hands slipped and he fell to the ground. He hissed in pain, quickly grabbing his wand. "Episky, episky, episky!" He said frantically. However, his rushed manner caused the magic to fail. His left forearm appeared to be broken, and his spell was either not strong enough or wasn't being done properly because of his anxiety.


"R-Really, it's alright." Scipio stood up, grimacing. "Why on earth did I let those two convince me to get on that thing?" He wondered aloud to himself.


"I'm not an idiot!" Scipio glared at Allegra, clearly annoyed. He flinched when the spell was performed. He had learned the spell of course, but due to his flustered manner he hadn't wanted to attempt it. It had a tendency to go poorly.


(Yep! Feel free to join ^^)
"I'm not cute either!" Scipio crossed his arms, ignoring the pain in his left. He appeared to be pouting a bit. "And stop laughing at others' pain! You're really not helping Slytherin's bad reputation for turning out evil witches and wizards."


(Scipio: If you do not stop this instant I will report you to Professor Dippet!
Allegra: You do know I don't care right)


Scipio rolled his eyes. "Whatever, but I am never getting on a broomstick ever again. How do people do that for fun?"


(Okay thanks!)

Name: Corrine Deidre
Age: 14
Year: 4
Gender: Female
Sexuality: N/A (she doesn't like people)
Personality: INFP
House: Ravenclaw
Appearance: Long wavy black hair and bright blue eyes
Other: Her patronus is a butterfly