forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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(Scipio likes math lol)
"Yeah…" Scipio checked the math in his head again. "Yeah, that should be right. Perhaps you'll be a prefect by the time I arrive?"


"oh gosh ive always wanted to be a prefect. Draco talks about someone by the name of Diggory sometimes too. something to do with Potter as always, but apparently he was a prefect and was a really good guy" Marie said and smiled.


"Cedric Diggory." Scipio shook his head sadly. "He died in the Triwizard tournament that Harry participated in. Killed by the Dark Lord, or, well, his servant I suppose."

noop noodle

"Oh yeah!!! Cedric Diggory!!! he was a hufflepuff!! I really wanna meet him some day, he's kinda my role model" he says excited.


(Cedric's not helpin the pushover rep for his house tho. Like, he was the only Hufflepuff main character, and he died. COME ON CEDRIC)



Name: Luena Wynne
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Appearance: Petite. Brown hair, down to her shoulders. Usually held back by a clip. Mostly dark coloured clothing.

Personality: Reserved around strangers, which is basically everyone. People generally avoid her, and she doesn't know why. She relies on skills rather than book-smarts.

Talents: Frighteningly persuasive. (Because she is part veela) She wields logic like a dagger. Sudden and obvious when it hits you. And so so painful in delivery. Talented in telepathic magic; specifically, reading emotions, and vague thoughts. She doesn't recognize it as magic.

Flaws: Stubborn. So, so, stubborn. To the point where it is exhausting. Also she's a smartass.

Fun Fact: She's incredibly talented at 'Human Magic' (sleight of hand, card tricks, etc.)

Other: A pure-blood child that was literally abandoned outside a bakery. Someone from her actual family has kept an eye on her all these years, but assumed she was a squib. She would be a hatstall. (sorting hat basically argued with her about all the houses. She didn't understand how the heck they were supposed to be brave all the time. Or smart all the time.)