forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"You do know that that's not a raven. right…?" Scipio pointed at the bird. "It's an animagus."


Marie reinforced Scipios protective forcefield with her own magic. she snapped her fingers away fromherself and scipio and got ready to throw the flame if need be. she held scipio in her free arm and pressed herself against the wall.


"Now you're just making up words." Luena tilted her head. "And that wasn't magic. That was some sort of weird witchcraft or something." She pulled the deck of cards out from her sweater pocket. She shuffled them like she had done hundreds of times before.

Luena grinned as she performed one of her favourite tricks. She pulled multiple different cards from the air. She held up three cards, and with a quick movement of her hands, they disappeared.


"I'm not making up words! A muggle is a non magical person, and an animagus is a witch or wizard who can purposefully transform into an animal. And it was magic; what you're doing is a muggle trick known as sleight of hand."


"Scipio" she hissed and nudged him. "dont give everything away now. they can still kill us you know" she turned towards the girl. "Also all of that is true. im not repeating it, youre not deaf. cool trick though"


"That means nothing. just because theu both have magical abilities means nothing. The dark lord on every one who didnt follow him. the dark lord tried to kill Harry potter multiple times" she said, holding her flame a little more toward the girl and the bird.


"But she doesn't know she's magical!" Scipio said, slightly exasperated. "There's no way she'd kill us! She hasn't a clue she's got any powers other than the Sleight of Hand thing!"


Luena glared at the two. No fun. Although she was very confused as to where the three cards had vanished to. Magic, potter, killing multiple times, a dark lord- wait.

"A dark lord? The heck are you on about?" Luena probed. "And what do you mean both?! I'm the only one here." She pushed the emotions of frustration coming from a third party to the back of her mind.

The raven was literally so done with the obliviousness of all three kids.


"I already told you that the raven's an animagus! It's not just a bird! And don't worry about Voldemort, he was killed ages ago by Harry." Scipio said nonchalantly, clearly a bit irritated. "But anyhow, you're a witch too. Although you clearly don't know about or have much control over your powers."


(where is this even going?)
Marie sighed at the girl. "The raven!" she exclaimed. "he can be a person and a raven. i know it sounds crazy but just trust me" she suddenly had a light bulb turn on in her head. she wasnt going to voice it yet, but had a fantastic idea for later.


The bird had enough of this. Silencio

Luena was confused. The kid spoke no sense. She was about to retort when she felt a pulse of irritation, followed by a hoarse voice.


Luena was even more confused when the kid's voice disappeared.

noop noodle

(Hullo, i am back, sorry for being off for ages XD was on a roadtrip n stuff)
Simon is extremely confused, standing by Scipio, having zoned out for so long. He jumped as he started to come back to reality, very confused.
"W-wha-?" he stutters, taking seconds glances at everyone


Scipio coughed, clutching at his throat. The stupid bird! It's him who's done it! He tried to remember what the counterspell to Silencio was.


The raven shuddered with laughter as the kids tried to speak. Even if the kids knew the spell, they couldn't actually cast it. He couldn't speak. And this gave the bird an opportunity…

Luena watched as the raven flew up to each kid, taking a strand of hair from each before flying off.



Scipio flinched and watched as the bird flew away with his hair. Once the spell wore off, he wondered aloud. "Why the bloody hell does that bird need our hair?! Is it… is he making Polyjuice potion?"

noop noodle

Simon looks very stunned, and also lost, struggling to say anything from pure confusion. he looks at Scipio worriedly.


(How dare you swear Scipio I thought you were a gud boi lol. Probably heard it from his stupid father)


Scipio started pacing, looking a tad frightened but mostly angry. "What if it goes around transforming into us? It could break into our homes, curse our families… who knows!"



Luena just sort of sat there, dumbfounded by everything. The bird had come back.

After a quick conference with their chart of the Sacred 28, the raven considered each child again. The Massimo, The Rydell, both connected to the Malfoys. And the Wood kid, connection uncertain.

Luena was honestly very confused. She was tired, and nervous, which was never a good thing in combination.

So when the raven morphed into a pale, black haired man, she did what anyone would do in her position.

Luena passed out