forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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So, there's plenty of Harry Potter roleplays that happen at Hogwarts, but no one ever talks about what happened before the age of eleven. I mean, these kids have a life away from school too!
Age (under 11 obviously, or I guess you could be like, an older sibling visiting or smthn):
Fun Fact:
Other: (What would their hogwarts house be if they were old enough, siblings, pets, whatever you want to add really)

All of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply, and also, try not to swear much. Children, ya know? Respect people, don't fight against my decision if I say no, and please keep arguments strictly in PM. Clogging up the roleplay with arguments ruins the fun for everybody.


Name: Scipio Massimo
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dark brown, almost black hair that is almost always clean and neat. Pale, icy blue eyes that seem too large for his face. Very short, but also lean and thin.
Personality: Quiet most of the time, pretty mysterious tbh, tries to act more on logic than emotions. However, start talking about something he's interested in (ie: dragons) and he really opens up and blossoms as an inquisitive boy who thirsts for new knowledge.
Talents: He's quite gifted at levitation stuff and he always seems to know what people are thinking/feeling or if they're lying… he seems to have taught himself a bit about Legilimancy. Parselmouth
Flaws: It's really hard to get him to open up and he's usually very shy. He hides his emotions because he really just wants to make his harsh father proud. So much so that he mimics the man often.
Fun Fact: Harsh father. Kinda daddy issues, but he's not really abused or anything. He wishes he were an adult (or at least old enough to go to Hogwarts) because children can't really do anything.
Other: Uh, well he was born in Italy and occasionally speaks Italian when he's frustrated or something. (Btw I will be using Google Translate for the Italian as I don't know the language lol. If your character doesn't know Italian, as they likely don't, just ask what he said and he'll repeat it in English unless he doesn't want to)


YES PLZ JOIN ME SLY just try not to die constantly k? Particularly if you make yourself important lol


Name: Victoria Smith
Age: 9
Gender: female
Appearance: bouncy curly black hair, freckles, dark skin, brown eyes
Personality: bubbly and kind and um
Talents: she has unknowingly built up quite a prowess with charms
Flaws: afraid of spiders and cats
Fun Fact: loves strawberries and is worried Hogwarts won’t have them
Other: only child, mum’s a witch, dad’s a muggle, has a goldfish named Lola