forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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noop noodle

Name: Simon Wood
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Appearance: Has very curly strawberry blonde hair that has quite a messy look to it, slightly narrow yet bright dark brown eyes, slightly tanned skin.
Personality: Quite sweet and lovely but a little lacking in confidence, very empathetic
Talents: He is able to make small plants bloom and grow if he concentrates enough
Flaws: Sometimes ends up spending more time with plants then he does with actual people, quite forest bound and has been known to run away from home to be in the forest many times.
Fun Fact: Is a pro at making flower crowns
Other: Would be in Hufflepuff, they don’t have any siblings, they have a pet mouse, they were born into a pure blood family.
(This all good?)

noop noodle

Simon cautiously peaked out from behind a tree, looking at the three for a little bit before deciding to sat anything, ready to run if anything went wrong but, they sounded nice.
"D-did you say magic?" he asks quite feebly, fiddling with a rosy flower crown that sat upon his curly mop of hair.


"Of course. You're not a muggle, are you?" A long, black snake slithered out of the forest and began nearing the group, unbeknownst to Scipio at least for the moment.


"No, wizard. Well, I haven't mastered any powers yet… but I've shown them and I'm a Pureblood, so I would assumed as much." The snake slid through the grass, a rustling sound resonating from it as it neared the children.

noop noodle

Just as Simon was about to reply he paused and put his finger on his lips in a shush way.
"Animal in the grass" he whispers, looking Scipio in the eyes.


What? Scipio turned around and spotted the snake, which reared up and hissed. The thing was as tall as he was, even half coiled. "Don't hurt my friends!" He yelled at the snake, but it came out as hissing instead. To his ears it sounded just like any language he understood, but the creature obeyed. It lashed forward and bit Scipio's forearm. "Let me go! Go back to where you belong!" The snake released his arm and slithered away, but the damage had been done. Scipio felt a tad dizzy and woozy.

noop noodle

Simon ran over and slowly got Scipio to lie down, checking the snake bite worriedly.
"Is it hurting a lot??" he asks worriedly, unsure of what to do. He hadn't seen that snake before, and he hadn't heard someone hiss like that before.


"It's fine… r-really, I'll be okay." White hot pain spread up through Scipio's arm, seemingly traveling through his veins. His heart was pounding and his pupils dilated. Nothing to worry about. I'm a wizard, so my magic will just make the poison go away, right? ……Right?


(Scipio: You're the one who's panicking)
"I am calm." Scipio turned his eyes towards Simon. Perhaps I shouldn't be, but I am. Suddenly, he hissed through his teeth in pain and clutched his arm. "You know, i-it's starting to hurt a bit now. I'll be fine… it's fine…" A bit? That's 'a bit' of an understatement, hmm?

noop noodle

((Lol XD
"ahhh, what should i do, um, you can talk to snakes?? snake help??" he rambles, his eyes darting around to see if there were any plants that could be of use.


"Nothing happened!" Scipio said hurriedly, still clutching his arm and grimacing. "D-Don't worry about it."


"Does magic not fight off the poison? That's… that's the main reason I wasn't worried.." Scipio looked up at Victoria and Simon nervously.

noop noodle

"I mean he did speak to a snake, he was all like hiss hiss" he rambles, grabbing a bunch of different plants and flowers and putting them in a pile. "One of these should work???"


"I don't know! Magic just seems to solve everything!" Scipio's voice cracked and he was getting nervous too, not to mention lightheaded. No! Keep calm! Panicking won't help you! What have I read about poisons?! Nothing about snake poisons, just brewed ones!