forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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noop noodle

He let go of the hug quickly as he noticed Scipio's discomfort.
"S-sorry, that was a bit tight, i was just worried" he mumbles.

noop noodle

Simon looked at the cat curiously.
"you have a cat? thats really cool" he smiles sweetly. "H-honestly i thought you'd have a snake since you can talk to them" he mumbles

noop noodle

"You… don't remember?? you started hissing like a snake when that snake showed up, it listened to you i think? and you very much saved us all from being snake food" he says.


"Oh, I thought I was just talking at it." Scipio said simply. "And it was a coincidence….. wait, did you say I started hissing? I was just speaking normally, wasn't I?"


"How strange…" Scipio looked up at the nurse again, who seemed just as confused as him and perhaps a bit startled. "What could it mean?" Miss Aster stepped forward. "Well, Scipio, based on what your friend has said I would think that perhaps you're a Parselmouth." "A what?" "A Parselmouth. It is someone who can speak the language of Parseltongue in order to communicate with serpents."


"Well, I'm sure it's not that weird, is it? Surely loads of people can do it?" The nurse shook her head. "It's quite rare Scipio. I'm sure your father will be pleased though." "Really? You really think so?" Scipio asked hopefully. It was clear that making his father proud mattered immensely to him, as the man was very difficult to please.


"I think so. Would you like me to bring him in so you can tell him?" "Er…. n-no thanks, it's alright. I'll…" Scipio glanced over at Simon and Victoria. "I'll tell him later…" While Scipio wanted to make his father proud, he was also quite scared of him. He put a lot of pressure on Scipio to live up to his expectations, and wasn't very happy when he didn't.

noop noodle

Simon cuddles up to Scipio.
"You should rest for now and stuff, i mean you did get bit by a snake" he says, still very worried.


"True… but I'd rather go out again." Scipio hopped off the table and walked out the front door, tailed by Phos. "I can sleep later! Now come on!"


"So, now what?" Scipio asked as he walked through the forest, running his small fingers along the trunks of the trees. He knew this place by heart.

noop noodle

He leads Scipio to a clearing in the forest, but, there's no flowers. Simon frowns a little. "Gimme a second" he mumbles, putting his hands on the ground and focusing really hard. after a few seconds quite a few of the plants around him began to bloom quite beautifully into vibrantly coloured flowers. he looks back at Scipio and smiles brightly.