forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

people_alt 5 followers

noop noodle

((hiss hiss
Simon nervously went through the pile of plants then shoved a bunch of leaves into Scipio's mouth.
"this should help????"


Scipio coughed and spit the leaves out. "W-Why don't you just bring me to my house? Surely someone there can do something, and it's just through the forest."


(Scipio: Bro there's probably something at my house that will help)
He made to stand up, but crumpled back to the ground immediately. He had lost the feeling in his legs temporarily, and he couldn't put any weight on them. "It's just… that way, I guess." He gestured through the forest.

noop noodle

He nods and struggles to pick Scipio up but soon enough managed to pick him up enough to start running in that direction.


They reached Scipio's house soon enough, and a woman opened the door. She gasped when she saw Scipio, taking him from Simon's arms and gesturing Simon inside. She brought Scipio to a room that appeared to be some sort of makeshift nurse's office and pulled out her wand, muttering some spell that seemed to heal the boy. Though Scipio was unconscious at this point, color came back into his face and his breathing was more even.
(Scipio's fam is rich btw so this is a niiiice house lol)

noop noodle

((hey!! sorry for getting on so late, timezones and stuff
"I-i'm simon" he said quickly, having absolutly no idea what 'the massimos' was.
"Is Scipio alright??"


"Yes, he will be fine. He should wake up soon. I dispelled the poison from him body, so he should recover quickly." Almost as if on cue, Scipio slowly opened his eyes and groaned as he pushed himself into a sitting position. He rubbed his head and looked down at the two small marks that reminded him why he was here in the first place.


(Lol Simon later tho to Scipio
Simon: What is 'the Massimos'
Scipio: Uh, my last name is Massimo. The nurse works for my parents. Are you actually dumb lmao)


Scipio jumped a bit as he was suddenly grabbed, but recovered quickly. "Erm, h-hello? Oh, hi Miss Aster." He looked up at the nurse.


"Yes, I'm fine! See, I told you magic could fix it!" Scipio winced a bit as Simon made him feel like he was being crushed.