forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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Name: Marie Rydell
Age (under 11 obviously, or I guess you could be like, an older sibling visiting or smthn): 10
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long pretty light brown curls that hang to her mid-back, Ocean blue eyes with flecks of gold and green, pretty tan-ish skin.
Personality: shes bright and perky, but a little sarcastic. she loves other people, and adores babies and small children.
Talents: she can sing and draw really well
Flaws: she doesnt like her drawings and tries to hide them from others unless shes really proud of them.
Fun Fact: she has a full blood family
Other: (What would their hogwarts house be if they were old enough, siblings, pets, whatever you want to add really): Slytherin, a brother whos 2 years older and a sister whos a year younger,


Ooo Marie would probably think Scipio's adorable (bc he is) bc he's tiny and he would be like STOP CODDLING ME and start yelling something in Italian lmao


DO YOU WANNA START OR DO YOU WANT ME TO (also I've decided that while Scipio technically lives with his Pureblood family, he runs off to meet with you guys often. He rarely even mentions/drops hints about his family or family life. He's quite secretive. Maybe someone could get him to open up? :D)


Scipio looked over his shoulder as he exited the dark forest, removing his mask as he did so. He looked around for the people he was supposed to be meeting, hating how small and insignificant he felt beside the huge tree trunks.


Scipio jumped a bit at Marie's sudden voice, a pink tint rising to his cheeks. "It's nothing. Just… something I made." He looked down at the smooth black mask, running his thumbs along the front of it where the eye holes were.


"I am not!" Scipio said indignantly, trying feebly to push Marie's arm away and failing miserably. The angle and his generally lacking strength failed him.


Scipio's face flushed and he crossed his arms, clearly pouting a bit. "I could… I could hex you, you know! There's plenty of books on spells that I've read back at home!"


Scipio was definitely irritated now. He hated being reminded that he was the youngest, and likely weakest because he was so, of the group. Suddenly, Marie started… floating. Scipio himself looked confused and shocked, but the power seemed to be coming from him.


"Stop calling me smalls!" Scipio crossed his arms again, electricity crackling on his fingertips. "I'm six! You can't expect me to be as tall as a ten year old!"


Scipio accidentally shocked himself and jumped, quickly pulling his hands away. Imagine when I'll be able to harness my magic through a wand? He picked up a stick from the ground and examined it. It was close to what he thought wand length would be. "Protego!" He yelled. A tree branch fell heavily from a nearby tree, startling Scipio and causing him to drop his makeshift wand.


"Are you… scared of me?" Scipio watched as Marie moved away from him. He wasn't sure whether this upset him or boosted his confidence, as only powerful wizards commanded fear and respect.


"I… I-I don't want to hurt you though! You know that… right?" Scipio asked nervously, his eyes fearfilled and wide, making them appear even larger than they already did on his thin face.


"yes i know you dont want to. but you could if you're not careful" she said, and stood up straighter and pulled her sleeves over her hands out of habit.
(i gtg, goodnight)