forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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(Nothin much, Scipio showed up, Marie annoyed him, he accidentally made her float, he tried to use magic with a stick wand and made a tree branch fall and scared himself, and he's currently kinda worried that he might hurt someone on accident. Feel free to jump in with your character :D)


//lol kk

Victoria heard some kids yelling and wandered over. Her mum always said to not go towards the trouble, to run away from it instead, but she could never help herself. “Woah!” She said wonderingly. “You guys can do stuff like that too?” For she had seen Scipio levitating a stick.

//is that ok


Name: Victoria Smith
Age: 9
Gender: female
Appearance: bouncy curly black hair, freckles, dark skin, brown eyes
Personality: bubbly and kind and um
Talents: she has unknowingly built up quite a prowess with charms
Flaws: afraid of spiders and cats
Fun Fact: loves strawberries and is worried Hogwarts won’t have them
Other: only child, mum’s a witch, dad’s a muggle, has a goldfish named Lola


Scipio jumped again, looking over at the older girl. Honestly, it's like everything today has its heart set on giving me a heart attack. The stick lay on the ground in front of him. " Er, Sì possiamo. Tu chi sei?" He asked in Italian, as he had a tendency to do when he was nervous.


"Hmm? Oh! Sorry, sometimes I speak Italian when I'm nervous… I said yes and asked who you were."


//sorry my mum made me go to bed

“Oh. Hi. I’m Victoria, but I hate that name, so you can call me Vic or something,” Victoria said quickly, worried she had offended Scipio. “Who’re you?”


"Scipio Massimo. Strange Italian name, I know… come up with nicknames if you'd like, but don't call me smalls." He looked over at Marie pointedly.


(Scipio: I like this girl)
"True. Maybe Marie's just really tall." Scipio picked up the stick again and began twirling it with his fingers.


"Ill do as i please. Im Marie if you didnt catch it" she said. "Also you know what happened last time you played with sticks and magic." she said and looked in the general direction of the fallen tree branch.


"That was an accident! And I don't think it was the stick, really. It was probably just a coincidence."


"And just because you're older doesn't mean you can 'do as you please'. If anything, you're punished more for foolish decisions as you grow older. I'm not going to bow down to you for being born a few years before I was." Scipio let the stick fall to the ground before beginning to levitate it. Fascinating thing, magic… I just need to master it.