forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"Yeah, apparently he knew Snape pretty well." Scipio shrugged. "But they had a few differing opinions and kinda fell out. At least, that's what mum said."


Scipio nodded, shredding blades of grass absently. "Dad doesn't talk much… 'specially about that. I think he kinda hated James."


Marie sat on the ground. "my big cousin is Draco Malfoy. all he does is talk about potter. uncle Luci isnt any better" she laughed, and felt childish for her wording but didnt know houw else to say it.
(aka im kinda tired and cant think correctly rn. also i had to bring the Malfoys in because theyre my favorite. and hello im a slytherin!)


"Oh! Lucius Malfoy! Dad's friends with him, I think. I'm pretty sure they work at the same place, dad was always going off somewhere. I think he got a new job after the Dark Lord was defeated, though. He doesn't go wherever he was going anymore."


"Yea, i mean my daddy and uncle Luci were strong supporters, but i never really did. i couldnt. i couldnt see how someone could support that. oh well, what happened, happened i guess." she said.


Scipio nodded. "My father never told me what side he was on, so I haven't a clue. Mother won't talk about it either. I think the whole war thing came as a shock to them."

noop noodle

(hello hufflepuff here to agree that tom felton is absolutly amazing)
"I'm not surprised… My parents were involved too, no one wants to relive a thing like that, that's why we gotta make sure it doesn't happen again so everyone can be happy!!!" he beams, optimistic about the future


"Mm…" Scipio examined Simon, soaking in every bit of information he could from looking at him. "What house do you think you'll be in?" He had already drawn up his own conclusions of course, but he wanted to see whether Simon's answer matched up with his own.

noop noodle

"I'm not really sure… but whatever house i'm in, i'm sure the people are lovely!! even though i'm a bit scared and nervous i'm really excited to meet more magic folk!!!" he beams sweetly.
"What about you??" he asks


"I'll be a Slytherin for sure. And I'd say you would be Hufflepuff. Slytherin is where the people are smart and ambitious. Cunning, and not all evil. And besides, everyone in my family has been Slytherin."

noop noodle

he smiles. "That's really cool!! I think Slytherins are really awesome" he beams. "My grandma was a hufflepuff, though my parents are ravenclaw and slytherin, I'm not too sure if they'd be too happy with me if i was a hufflepuff but i really like what the house stands for!!"


Scipio nodded. "And apparently Salazar Slytherin himself was a Parselmouth! I'll have something in common with the founder!" He said cheerfully.


"sorry to butt my way in but id be a Slytherin too. if not a ravenclaw or hufflepuff. but its family heritage, ill be a slytherin." Marie chimed in, not wanting to be forgotten.


"You'll be like, a third or fourth year by the time I get to go to Hogwarts, right?" Scipio asked Marie.


"Since you're… ten? And I'm six, so yeah. That makes you roughly four years ahead. Or would you be a fifth year?"


"Well, lemme think for a minute… I'm six, which makes you four years older than me. It'll be five years until I go to Hogwarts, and one for you. You will be a first year next year. First year in addition to the four years it'll take me to get to Hogwarts… that would make you a fifth year."