forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"well youre only 6, you arent going to be any good with much of anything. i get sparks and flames and water outbursts. is weird, i thought maybe id have something cool, i guess not" she said, glancing back at the small burn marks on the ground from her sparks. "watch this" she snapped her fingers and a small flame appered where her fingers are.


(lol nope. both wrong. )

Luena jumped when the boy spoke to the snake to leave. Especially when the snake left towards her. She sat still as the snake stopped before her. It peered at her through its unblinking eyes. Its head tilted, looking like it was asking a question.

A jolt of pain split through her forehead, causing her to shake her head clear. The snake slithered away, and Luena followed the three once more.


Scipio stared at the flame, intrigued. He reached out to touch it and quickly brought his hand back as it burnt him. He picked up a stick (why) and tried to remember what spell he needed. "Aguamenti!" The stick spontaneously combusted rather than producing water, and Scipio was thrown to the ground.


Marie snapped the fingers of her other hand and water trickled down from her fingers. she covered the flame in water, putting it out, and then walked over to Scipio and held out her hand to help him up. "What did i say about sticks. You may think im dumb, but im actually quite intelligent."


Luena stopped, not far behind the group. Her eyes widened as the girl's hands produced water to extinguish the flame in her other hand. And what was she talking about? Sticks?


Scipio grabbed onto Marie's hand, slightly dazed. "Yeah… I hope real wands are a little more predictable…" There were burns on his face from the explosion, but he didn't seem to notice them. "Where are we going?"


(she wants friends and hopes these guys wont ditch her. also some other things that will come to light eventually.)

Unbeknownst to the group of children and their follower, a raven followed them, leaving a faint trace of grey in the sky before it was swept up by the wind.


Scipio kept walking aimlessly, his cat trailing behind him. "I wish I could go to Hogwarts sooner… it'll be ages till I can get a proper wand. Wonder if they'll let me bring Phos?"


"i assume this ones a pet not an accidental creation. but also yes they will. you can bring cats to Hogwarts" she said. "maybe you can have a parent take you to Mr. Olivander. Just a thought."


"I… that's not allowed, is it?" Scipio asked, his words sounding disappointed but his tone held a glimmer of hope. "Even if I could, I don't think either of my parents would take me… Maybe Miss Ester would?"


"i mean do you have to have a letter from hogwarts? it never hurts to start early, as my Daddy always says. i mean you've been reading spell books already, why not be able to practice too?" she said, not sure where she was going with it.


"I thought you had to be at least eleven to get a wand? I dunno if they'd go for that… but it's worth a shot? Mr. Ollivander might not let me, though."


Luena was sitting cross-legged on the dirt. The group was just sort of chatting, and Luena couldn't tear herself away now, having seen what she had seen. Then the words 'Hogwarts' and 'Ollivander' came up, followed by a slew of emotions.

She fell backwards from the mixture of feelings bursting from the three. The leaves behind her crunched beneath her, startlingly loud against the backdrop of the fairly quiet forest.


Scipio jumped at the sound of leaves. "W-What was that? It better not be another snake…" He peered into the trees, searching for the source of the sound. "Hello? Who's… who's there?"


"Mr. Olivanders a little cooky but i dont think hed mind. ive met him before. I went with my older brother and he was super nice and said he expected me back very soon, and i was only 4 at the time." she said. "wait did you hear that? the crunchy leaves?" she asked, and stepped closer to Scipio and Simon. she wasnt sure if it was to protect them or her wanting their protection.


Luena panicked as the group heard her. The emotions that flooded her caused her to move again. She scrambled back on to her feet, and broke into sprint to get back to her fort, not caring that her path was visible to the kids.


Scipio clutched Marie's arm fearfully, watching the forest with wide eyes. "What was that…?" He whispered barely audibly, still trying to figure out what was out there.