forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"Who's that?" Scipio seemed a little less afraid when he figured out that there wasn't some dangerous creature waiting to pounce on them. He glanced up at Marie before dashing to the forest. Once he was in it, he slowed his pace and followed the purple pinprick.


Luena slowed her sprint to a jog when she spotted her carving that marked her fort. She began climbing up the rope ladder.


Floating… no, climbing? A muggle then? Scipio followed silently, never having been in this corner of the forest before. He came up behind the treehouse and levitated himself up over the railing, crouching down to see whether he could hear anything.


Luena pulled up the rope ladder, and slammed the trap door shut. She sat against the wall opening up to the balcony, breathing heavily. She pulled out her deck of cards, and began to fiddle around with them.


Scipio crept around the side of the fort, peering around the corner to look at Luena. He scrutinized her for a moment, gaining access to all sorts of information. I can sense the magic in her… she's a witch, but she doesn't seem to know. Alone, no parents, she's lived here for ages…


I can… in her… witch, but… to know. Alone… parents… lived… for ages…

Luena straightened up as the voice of the snake kid crawled through her ears.


Luena calmed down. There was no feasible way any of those kids could follow her up. It's not as if they could fly…right? Right?

Behind Scipio, the raven had landed on the railing.


(im just gonna fill out a template for our friend mr. raven)

Name: ?????
Gender: ??
Appearance: A raven. Black feathers, black eyes. The tips of its wings are dark green though.
Personality: ????
Talents: ????
Flaws: ???
Fun Fact: They are an animagus. A raven.
Other: Not much known of them. (gonna update this as we find out more) All anyone can be sure of is that they will not tolerate Luena being injured.


(Noice. Also sorry was watching HP with fam)
Scipio heard something land behind him and wheeled around, staring at the raven. That's not an ordinary raven… was the first thing that came to his mind. It must be an animagus…


Marie gathered her barings and bounded after Scipio. She watched as he drifted up the raling and a bird, a raven maybe, landed. she could sense a lot of magic and knew the children up there couldnt hold that much magic alone. Marie carefully and slowly went up the rope ladder, and peaked through the trap door opening.


Scipio spotted Marie on the floor. "Marie!" He hissed barely audibly. "What're you doing up here?!"


great, my covers been blown. so much for hiding out she thought. Marie climbed up all the way and shut the trap door so nobody would fall down the hole. "Well if you must know, i came up here for you, to protect you. You dont run after strangers like that. you could have been killed."


"Watch out for that raven, by the way." Scipio pressed himself against the railing, his heart pounding. "I think it's an animagus."


"i already knew that. come over here." she hissed. "or at least get away from there" she slowly backed up until her hand hit the wall and she stood a foot or so away from said wall.


"Why?" The railing made a horrible cracking noise and Scipio dashed over to Marie, clinging fearfully to her hand and shrinking against the wall.


Luena heard something slam against the wall outside. She glanced toward the balcony. A single raven sat there. It blinked, and tilted its head to the side. Two out here… It seemed to say, and Luena was warmed by the sensation of safety that seemed to glow outside the door.


Marie slid back into the wall next to Scipio and wrapped her arms around him. She was older, it was her responibilty to protect both of them. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice shaking but she stood tall, hoping not to seem so scared.


Scipio seemed terrified, and soon a strange silvery forcefield surrounded him and Marie. It was wavering, as was Scipio, but it could take a hit or two.


Luena frowned at the very strong pulse of fear that came from the older girl. And taller. Now on even footing with the two, she could see them better.

And she did NOT like that the 'little' kid was not much shorter than she was. 5 inches, at most.

"I'm Luena." She said, her voice not much more than a whisper. Her voice grew stronger as she asked, "Why are you scared?"


The raven looked at Scipio with as much of a condescending look you can give someone 5 times your size. The bird hopped up to the barrier, and pecked it twice.


"M-Maybe because we've been discovered using magic and snooping around someone who believes she's a muggle?" Scipio suggested meekly, still clinging to Marie.