forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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The man shot out a hand toward Luena, slowing her fall until she landed on the floor gently. He turned to the other children.


(love scipio's reaction tho. 'what if it wants to commit crimes as us?' raven: 'lol just checkin' dna don't mind me…)


Scipio froze, staring at the man. So I was right… He stumbled backwards, hitting the railing and almost falling over it.


The man gazed down at the three kids, dark brown eyes passing on each child.

"Massimo," He rumbled, his voice coming out more like a low growl. "Rydell, and Wood." He pointed to each kid in turn, but held his hand out a little longer at Simon.


The man tilted his neck back and forth, bones making VERY LOUD cracking sounds. He cleared his throat with a cough.

"Aw, man it has been forever since I've been human." His voice was significantly lighter now, sounding more like he was in his early twenties, at least. He pulled out his wand - a long, dark ash piece that was carved in runes - and fixed the balcony without a word spoken.


(Sorry for my temporary absence, my sister's fiance caught a snake on our porch and of course I had to pet it)


"Quite a few things. You three have really thrown me for a loop here. Heck, even I have questions!" The man chuckled as he sat down into the air, using his magic to hold himself up into a sitting position. "And to be honest…"

He zoomed forward, meeting the three kids, no more than an inch from each of them. "I hate not knowing things." He lightened up considerably. "So, I just wanted to talk a bit."

noop noodle

(omg that's so cool what did the snake look like?????
Simon was really close to crying, clinging to marie and Scipio in fear, trembling like a leaf in the wind


The man frowned. "Little slow on the upkeep, huh girlie?" He smiled a little. "I'm offering you a golden opportunity here. I ask you questions, which you will answer honestly, and you get to ask me questions that I will answer honestly." Another wave of his wand summoned a blanket on top of Luena, who had begun to shiver horribly.


(Just a garden snake, brown, flipping adorable)
"Just ask the questions!" Scipio said shakily. "The suspense is worse than whatever you're going to ask, so just do it!" A flickering forcefield appeared around him and the others again.


(Simon: starts crying
Scipio: Oh pull yourself together. He's not currently trying to kill us, you're not injured, I'm not poisoned, and he doesn't appear to be making polyjuice potion with our hair. Wtf are you crying about?)