forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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I already know I'll be a Slytherin, and I don't need your affirmation to prove it. Scipio hissed back. "And I'll have you know that no one's taught me. I've read books about it and taught the basics to myself." He glared defiantly at Jakro, annoyed.


(that is potter logic though, isn't it?)

"Okay, little Gryffindor, put the claws away." Jakro smirked internally this time. The kid was amusing. Kind of like when Luena was younger. "And if you want to end this game of twenty questions early, I'll answer that one for ya, Marie."


Jakro stopped smiling. "Listen Massimo. I don't think you understand what is happening here." He cast another Silencio charm on Scipio. "I have been exceedingly nice. You have been free to leave at any point. You could've asked to leave, and I'd let you."

The smile was back on his face in less time it took to blink.

"Well, Marie. What I want to know is; How?" Jakro was standing now, and he was gesturing to Luena. "How did you find her? This place?" He gently used a spell to raise Luena onto a small mattress set in the corner. "It took a hell of a lot of spells to conjure this part of the woods, you know that? The fact you could follow her in here should be," Jakro crouched down to eye level with the children. "Impossible.

He took a seat next to Luena. "And I really don't want any of your families getting to her. Except you." Jakro pointed at Simon. "But that's only because I couldn't trace your bloodline. Which also, by the way, shouldn't be possible!!" Jakro's voice remained eerily calm.

"So," Jakro's smile returned. "How did you find her?"


She was following us! Scipio thought forcibly, knowing that Jakro could hear it. I saw her and followed, and Marie followed me. He tried to fight against Silencio, but only managed to cough as his tongue refused to produce speech.


(I can only imagine what he'll be like when he's a teenager with hormones running about in his system. He'll be like Harry's mood swing in Prisoner of Azkaban. sobbing "H-He was their friend… and he betrayed them…" looks up, suddenly angry 'HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!!")


Jakro paled at Scipio's internal thoughts. He waved off the spell.

"She found you?" Jakro whispered to himself. He knew she would find out eventually. He had just hoped that it wouldn't be anywhere near any other pureblood families. "There's… not much I can do about that now."

"WHY CAN'T I SAVE HER?" His fist was engulfed with fire as he shouted his rage. He extinguished it quickly, not wanting to burn the tree down.


Scipio fell over, startled by Jakro's sudden rage. Something told him he didn't want to be on the wrong side of this man. He still couldn't speak and choked, clutching at his throat when he tried. He looked up at the infuriated Jakro, tears stinging his eyes.


(Well, he hasn't hurt anyone purposefully yet, he doesn't really have malicious intentions… I mean, he's six. What can he really do lol)