forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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Scipio smiled softly. "It means 'shadow' in Italian. Considering she's solid black and capable of moving nearly silently, I'd say it fits well." The snake hissed her approval.


"Fascinating…" Scipio murmured. "I was brought up in Italy, so technically Italian is my first language. I learned English soon after arriving here."


"English is my first language, but French is a close second and i have a little german adn Italian thrown in the mix. My aunt travels the continent and knows all kinds of languages" she said


"Would you be able to hold a conversation in Italian? Or just recognize the odd word or two?" Ombra slithered over to Marie, circling her as she scented the air.


Luena cried out in her sleep, and the wind picked up more, rattling the treehouse.

She woke up with a jerk, causing the wind to suddenly stand still.

noop noodle

Simon kinda looked away nervously.
"W-wow.. you guy's are really good at languages…" he mumbled.
"I-i can communicate with… plants…" he mumbled, clearly disappointed with himself. He then suddenly froze. "The wind???" he squeaked


Scipio noticed the wind stopping, but didn't mention it. Ombra turned her head towards the treehouse, hissing softly. "Luckily, it's quite easy for young children to pick up new languages. Sometimes I'll end up speaking half Italian, half English." He laughed. "It used to be a bad problem, but I've gotten better. I speak mostly English now, as most people here don't know much Italian, if any."


Luena sat down on the balcony, letting her legs dangle off the ledge. She was curious as to where those kids had disappeared to.

She felt herself blush at the thought that she probably fainted when that… Luena frowned.

She ignored the sudden lapse in memory. Luena now recalled what the short one [Could she call him the short one? He was only a little bit shorter. And younger.] was saying

Magic… Luena let the thought waltz through her mind. Real magic? She held a hand out a hand. Willing something to happen.


"I feel like your aunt and I would get on well." Ombra came back over to Scipio and seemed to be telling him something. 'The girl in the tree is controlling the wind.' Scipio looked between the snake and the treehouse curiously. "You're sure?" She nodded.


"Will you go and watch her? You're welcome to let her see you; just make sure you're not injured." Ombra nodded again and slithered off to the tree, wrapping herself around each rung of the ladder so as to climb up it. She reached the top soon enough and went smoothly along the balcony, examining Luena.


"Ombra said the girl up there is the one controlling the wind. She appears to be testing out her powers after I mentioned magic." He whispered back, watching the snake.


"I told you she was a witch!" Ombra crawled down one of the beams supporting the railing, sliding down onto the balcony and poking her head around the corner to observe Luena.


"I mostly experimented on accident, to be honest… you know how little control over my powers I have. The only magic I can consistently perform is Parseltongue."


"sure but you're still very young and have another 5 years or so until you can fully harness things. i dont have much control either. i can produce a flame, harmless or hurtful, a stream of water, and sparks when i get upset. plus i can transfigure things if i try hard enough.
(gtg night)


(Rip bye)
Scipio nodded, sitting down beside a large tree. "The main magic I can remember performing is Parseltongue, levitation stuff, electricity, and that time the stick exploded."