forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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Scipio watched the flowers growing curiously, cocking his head slightly to the side. He was generally fascinated by all manners of magic; particularly since he struggled to control it himself. Magic was like fire: Beautiful and immensely helpful, but has a tendency to become unbelievably dangerous when handled incorrectly.


What's he doing? Scipio shied away, shrinking down as Simon put the flowers on his head. What is this madness? He reached a hand up to gingerly touch the flowers.



Luena focused hard, trying to get this ‘real magic’ to work. She closed her eyes…

She let out a small shriek as her cards appeared in her hand from nowhere. Luena flicked the ace of spades out into the forest, attempting to make it hit her mark.

BULLSEYE! Luena laughed as the card landed in the timid boy’s hair.

Jakro watched from the forest floor, back as a raven. He smiled gently.


Ombra slithered closer to Luena, hissing softly but clearly passive. She continued nearing the girl until she was right up behind her.

noop noodle

Simon squeaked as the card landed in his hair, confused as he took the card off his head.
"a-ace of spades?" he questioned.


"Ace of Spades? What on earth is an Ace of Spades?" Scipio took the card and examined it curiously. "Is this some sort of muggle thing? I've never seen one before."


He looked up at the treehouse and spotted Luena playing with other cards similar to the one he was holding. "Ah, must've come from there." He pointed up at the treehouse.

noop noodle

Simon gets up and hugs the tree, closing his eyes for a few minutes. after he opened his eyes again and unhugged the tree, he looked at Marie and nodded.
"Yeah it's her"



Luena turned around, and screamed. There was a black snake there, and honestly that was just sort of creepy.

noop noodle

(The way he talks to the plants is through touch, the more he is touching the plant the more he can communicate and hear. the amount he needs to touch depends on how big the plant is, eg a small flower only takes one or two hands, but a tree means full body hug, eyes closed and full concentration XD)
Simon jumped and ran over, worried.


Ombra hissed softly, rearing up so she was eye to eye with Luena. She didn't appear like she would bite her; just curious.


Luena stares at the curious snake. She was still scared, but the creature radiated curiosity.

Why are you here?” She asked, unaware that she was hissing.

(Is that okay? Most people related to the Gaunt family were parselmouth. )


"To observe you." Ombra hissed back. "My master wants to know the extent of your abilities."


Master?” Luena questioned. “First off, a majestic creature such as yourself shouldn’t bow to anybody, considering you could probably swallow them whole.

Second, tell your ‘master,’” Luena lifted her hands for the air quotes. “That I just found this stuff out like, 10 minutes ago. And I’m still pretty sure I’m asleep.

Finally, tell them to just come talk to me.” Luena finished with a huff. She went back inside her fort.


Ombra hissed in irritation, but climbed back down to the ground and heading towards the group of children. "She would prefer you come talk to her rather than sending me." Scipio nodded and gestured for the others to follow as he made his way back.