forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"It'll be fiiiiiine, chill yourself. Do you not trust the power of McGonagall? I thought you'd heard the stories!"


Scipio smirked slightly. "See? There's nothing to be afraid of. If you do get hurt, Madam Pomfrey's the best around!"

noop noodle

"B-but what if Madam Pomfrey gets hurt!!" he wails. he pauses for a second as a brilliant idea instantly floods into his head.
"W-wait, i could learn healing magic and that stuff and help out with Madam Pomfrey so then if anything happens to you i can help!!" he beams, a total change of emotions.


"Er, sure. I don't think Madam Pomfrey will get hurt anytime soon, though. She's pretty tough, and she doesn't often leave the hospital wing." Scipio stroked Ombra again thoughtfully.

noop noodle

"O-ok, but still, if she's not around and you get hurt like earlier, i wanna be able to help, not just shove plants with healing properties into your mouth and hope for the best…" he mumbled


"Fair enough. Knowing me, I'll probably get hurt a lot. Maybe I'll be on the Quidditch team, most likely not. While I can fly pretty well, I don't care for sports. If you saw how dangerous Quidditch is you'd have a fit." Scipio laughed.

noop noodle

(awh :( sad to see you go!! if you ever wanna rejoin later on feel free to ;3
"isn't quidditch the vroom vroom broom sport??" he asked.


(Turtleeee D':)
"Uh… that's about the crudest way I've ever heard it put, but I suppose so. You ride on broomsticks, try to score goals with the Quaffle, try to avoid getting hit or knocked off your broom by bludgers, and the game ends when the Seeker catches a tiny golden ball called the Golden Snitch."


Scipio sighed. "Sure, whatever. The bludgers try to attack you, sometimes they break bones. Harry broke his arm in his second year because of a bludger, and his skull in his sixth."


"What is it with you and 'vroom vroom broom'?!" Scipio said, sounding exasperated. He does realize he sounds like an idiot, right? Or a two year old who only knows like, three words of English?

noop noodle

"No 11 year old in their right mind would play a game they know as vroom vroom broom" he shrugged it off, smiling quite sneakily.
"That's my ultimate plan!!" he giggles

noop noodle

"there is no way i'd play quidditch, it sounds terrifying!! but you might and… i'm worried, i don't want you to get hurt really bad, so i'll keep calling it vroom vroom broom!!"


"Just relax! I probably won't join the Quidditch team anyways, even though I'd probably make a good Seeker."
(You need balls to play Quidditch)

noop noodle

(magical sports warehouse???
"well, if you join then i'll have to join too!" he says nervously, but kinda excitedly