forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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"I'm six. The only magic I can really control consistently is my Parseltongue. I've also become quite adept at levitation magic. However, I don't have a wand, and whenever I pick up a stick something bad happens. I've been researching a bit of wandlore, however, and I think I've got an idea of what my wand might be when I get it."


"That's so cool!" Luena exclaimed, before pausing. "Wait, you're six?" Luena was suddenly very aware at how close they were in height.


"Yeah, I don't like being unprepared. I've researched woods, cores, all the basics. I wouldn't call myself an expert by any standard, but I've got the general idea. And yes, I'm six." Scipio added.


"How did you get up here the first time? And how did you get down? How long was I out? What happened to the…" Again, the thought wouldn't complete itself.


"I levitated myself the first time and jumped off the railing to get down, floating a bit so I wouldn't, you know, die. I haven't a clue how long you were out for, since you were still out when we left. And the raven… he's right there, isn't he?" Scipio pointed up at the roof.


"You know, the animagus? The raven that turned into a man? Don't you remember? I saw him on your roof a few minutes ago."


Luena gave Scipio [Scipio? Who names their kid Scipio? I'll just call him Skip] A blank look.

Somewhere above the fort, there was a raven smacking its head into a tree.


(He's Italian okay the weird names are normal for them)
"I did tell you about animagi. People who can turn into an animal? They're different from werewolves of course, since they choose to transform. Werewolves have no choice."


Above them the raven full out just sighed. He somehow, as a bird, sighed.

Luena took a second to think. She nodded, remembering that he did, right before her memories went fuzzy. She snapped back onto her current situation. "You mentioned something about some place. Pigmole? Pigfarts?"


"Hogwarts. It's a wizarding school. There's one in America called Ilvermorny, and other ones scattered about the globe."

noop noodle

Simon frowns and looks at Scipio. "That enough" he says softly. he looks at Luena.
"Luena, thats your name right? w-well, the magical world is dangerous and really scary, so if you want to do magic you have to be aware of that!!" he says worriedly.
"So please be careful with the power you have. and only go to a magic school if you're ready for the risks" he says, being quite serious.


Luena glanced between the two boys. She turned towards Simon, preferring the boy to the hyperactive child.

"What do you mean, dangerous?"


(Imagine if Hogwarts was called Pigfarts tho.
Oh yeah I'll be sending my son to Pigfarts next year. So proud of him.)

noop noodle

"Well, with good wizards, there's also the bad.. and they usually seem to attack hogwarts, it's weird…" h e mumbles.


"True, but with McGonagall as headmistress, we're perfectly safe! There are even more defenses now, so it's harder to get in. I dunno why you're so worried."

noop noodle

"Even with the defences, i just… I feel like something is going to happen again… i just know it!!" he squeaks, looking quite stressed