forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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noop noodle

Simon jumped back in fear.
"I-i'm sorry, we didn't mean to do anything bad!! i promise!!" He squeaked, only wanting them all to be happy.
"I-is there anything I can do to make this better??"


Jakro winced as he realized that he was terrifying the kids.

"Sh- Shoot. Sorry, kidlets. That… that's not what usually happens." Jakro ran his hand through his hair, covertly wiping up tears with the motion. "Y'all can leave now. And Skip? I already gave you your voice back. No need to glare kid." He took a look at Simon.

"Heh." He gave a dry laugh. "Not much can make any of this better." Jakro fought back his tears. He ran his hand across Luena's back.


Scipio was certainly glad to leave, heading over to the balcony and vaulting himself over the railing. To onlookers it would appear that he would just fall to his death, but he floated gracefully to the ground and landed softly, dashing away from the treehouse as soon as his feet hit the ground.


Jakro laughed at Scipio's exit. Man if that isn't such a Fred and George thing to do… If he isn't Gryffindor I'm going to slap that stupid hat

Jakro patted the kid's back. "Go on home, kid." He smiled at Simon. He was one of the good ones. At least he got that question answered definitively.

noop noodle

He nods softly and smiles.
"Be happy" he says softly before making his way down the tree house back to the ground.


Jakro smiled at the kid. He looked back down at Luena. He sighed. He pulled a little bottle out of his pocket. Using his wand, he withdrew the mentions of the raven, or any mention of it for himself as an animagus. He carefully placed the remains of the memory back into her mind, and placed the silver thought into the jar, corking it gently. He used a clip and connected it to the others.

The fortress was lighted by the memories, at least a hundred crossing across the ceiling and walls connected by yarn. Jakro gave a smile, before looking back down at his sister.

Luena whimpered in her sleep once more. Jakro winced at the sound. He let his fingertips brush her temples again. "I promise you'll be safe." He whispered, before morphing back to a raven and flying to perch atop the fort.

In her sleep, Luena felt a burst of warmth. She recognized the emotion - Care - as it wrapped her in a hug. She smiled.

(and now i gotta sleep. :c )


Scipio stood beside a large tree, having found a massive snake. It was as tall as he was easily, and it was half coiled up. He seemed to be talking to it contentedly in Parseltongue, and the snake didn't look like it would attack him at all. In fact, it was quite passive and had taken a liking to Scipio.


Scipio stroked the head of the snake, not worried that it might bite him. He knew that it wouldn't with the control he had over it. The snake trailed behind him as he walked back over to Simon and Marie.


"Hey guys! Look who I found!" The snake reared up again so that its head was level with Scipio's.


The snake hissed playfully, seemingly not bothered. Scipio stroked the back of the huge snake. "Think Miss Aster will let me keep him?"


"You know, the nurse? My dad doesn't-" Scipio flushed a bit. "Well, he… he and I don't talk much. I don't think he much cares whether I bring a snake into the house or not. And mother's in no state to speak at all…"


Scipio thought for a moment before asking the snake itself in Parseltongue what it would like to be called. "She said she'd like to be called Ombra." He stroked the snake again contentedly.