forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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The man raised an eyebrow at the short one's bravery, and his inbound need to protect the group. "Huh. Would'a pegged you as a Slytherin, kid. Anywho, I don't plan to hurt ya." He let the forest go silent. Oh he LOVED being over dramatic.

"Well, I'd love to have your names so I can call ya something other than shorty, flame-sy, and flowers. And your age."


Scipio knew the dangers of this, but didn't figure he had much choice. He wouldn't put it past this man to torture him if he didn't answer. "Scipio Massimo. Six." He said in his smooth, slightly misty sounding voice.


Marie stopped crying and laughed. "Flame-sy? thats my name?" she laughed again and snapped her fingers once again, a flame appearing in her hand. "wait but this one too" she added. snapping the other hands fingers, a small trail of water trickling from her other hand.


"Scipio?" The man tested the name, before nodding. "Yeah, that sounds right. And I'm not gonna torture ya kid. I'm not that cruel."


"Her name's Marie." Scipio sighed, staring at the fire. He didn't question how the man knew what he was thinking, as he himself and Luena both seemed to have it as well.


The man stared at Marie. "Well, guess I'll cal you Aang." He smiled. "Unless you wanna give me your real name?"


"Im Marie Rydell. 11" she said confidently. she let the water fade from her hand, and shot the fire and Scipios foot, it wouldnt harm him, just scare him. stupid Scipio


"She wasn't answering! And I haven't a clue what you could do against us if we upset you!" Scipio jumped away from the fire.


"Marie?" The man was now sketching something with his wand now, tracing the pattern for a blanket. It disappeared as his eyes brightened. "Right! I remember you now."

He nodded to the third kid who had zoned out. "I'll get to him later."

"And Skip - can I call you Skip? - I don't need to hurt ya. I'm not that heartless." The man relaxed a bit.

"And girlie? I know ya exist. I'll get to you later.

"Anyway, your guys' turn. Ask me a question. Hell, ask me a few. It's no bother to me." He adjusted the blanket draped over Luena.

noop noodle

"u-uhm.. S-simon Wood, 9, s-sorry" Simon mumbles, looking at the ground anxiously, less tears but still a trembling mess


"Who are you, most importantly, how do you know our names, and why'd you nick our hair?" Scipio asked, ignoring the question about the nickname. He recalled being referred to as 'Scip' (pronounced 'Skype') before, but never Skip.


The man smiled.

"Well, my name is Jacrodeus Regulus Gaunt. But please just call me Jakro. I'm 28 years old.

"Your," Jakro pointed to Scipio "Second and third questions are answers. Took your hair to find your bloodline." He looked at Simon and the half-blood. "Your questions?"


Scipio stopped in his tracks at the name 'Gaunt'. I know that name… Voldemort was from the line of Gaunt; they've been all Pureblood for ages… but where did he come from? Morfin didn't have any children, did he? Merope died soon after Voldemort, and Marvolo was too old… did Marvolo have a brother or sister?


(Yeah. I like how Scipio's heard all about the Gaunts (bc of course he has) and Simon's over here thinking about gud boi Regulus)