forum Pre Hogwarts (OPEN)
Started by @Fraust

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(thanks. okay, now how to introduce a supposed muggle character…)

Luena sat in her fort, perched high in the trees. The wood was carefully painted to blend in with the leaves, and it looked very convincing, in her opinion.

She was reading through a book of magic tricks. She had a deck of cards in front of her, as well as a couple of other trinkets.


Luena heard people pass by underneath her. She took a peak through the trap door down to the forest below. A group of kids, around her age, were romping about, making their way to the east. Luena consulted her handmade map on the wall. They were heading towards a clearing.


Marie walked with the other boys and felt the sudden presence on her. like someone was watching. she looked around and saw nothing, no one. she shook her head and dismissed it


Scipio was fascinated by his parselmouth ability and decided to envision a snake in his head to 'talk to' in order to practice. So, while he was walking, he seemed to be speaking a serpentine language to himself.


Marie laughed at Scipio. "are you speaking japanese or somethi- wait… THATS PARSELTONGUE!" she shreiked and stopped in her tracks. "Draco told me about Potter doing that. and the Dark Lord. Bloody hell have i gotten myself into"


Scipio jumped, startled by Marie's sudden loud voice. "Er, y-yeah, it is. You don't remember? It sorta saved your life earlier."


"You know, when I got bitten by the snake? I told it to leave you guys alone, so it bit me instead."


"That's.. that's not a go- you know what, whatever. That's fine. Just remember to pick up a book sometime, alright?" Scipio continued walking, muttering to himself in Parseltongue again.


"yes i know its not good. i get lost in thought a lot im sorry. it comes in handy during supper time at home. Daddy talks a lot about boring adult stuff to Mum and whom ever we have as guests. im always the youngest during those times so i just get lost in thought. and sometimes i accidentally do it other places. also i read often for you information" she said and began walking again. The book comment hurt her feelings but she intended to pretend like she actually didnt care.


(Scipio: Why tf are you offended you literally just told me you were dumb)
Scipio picked up a stick again as he walked, twirling it between his fingers as he mumbled Parseltongue. Suddenly, a snake came out of the stick, causing Scipio to drop it. What do I do now?! I really need to stop picking up sticks…


Luena watched in amusement at the group. The timid boy, the short kid twirling a stick and speaking in tongues, and the curly haired girl that-

Someone is watching… Luena blinked as a female voice sounded in her head.

Luena made a slight sound when she realized the girl had stopped directly under her fort, and was looking up. She ducked her head back in, choosing instead to watch the group on the balcony. She sat cross-legged as the short kid seemingly summoned a snake out of the stick.

Luena shuddered as a new voice crawled through her mind. What…do now? …need… stop pick-… sticks.

(this is how the treehouse looks btw. Just a lot more blended in.


Luena watched the group walk away. She ignored the tug in her mind as it tried to follow them. She ignored the odd sense of familiarity that drew her curiosity. Luena grabbed her deck of cards.

She could NOT ignore the weird tug that drew her to the short kid. Pocketing her deck of cards, she climbed down to the forest floor. She ducked into the bushes, and began carefully following the group.


(Lol why is she so interested in Scip)
"Er, I-I dunno, I was following Simon." Scipio told the snake to go off into the forest and it did so. "At least that one doesn't seem as aggressive as the first."


(because youre the onlyone here rn, that she knows of)
"Oh okay" she said and ran her hands through her curls. "Stop with the snakes, i feel like medusa with all the snakes around"


(Tru, but her character is feeling a 'weird tug that drew her to the short kid' lol. Also I love that she calls him the short kid)


"It was an accident! I didn't mean to make the snake…" Scipio said awkwardly. "It's gone now, anyhow."


"I dunno, Parseltongue seems to be the only magic I can control right now. Perhaps that's why it fascinates me." Scipio kept walking, watching the snake disappear into the woods as he did so.