forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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text your so that you want a baby and show their response

viv: i want a baby
catori: i want new heelys

kas: i want a baby
jo: no
kas: alright
jo: wait don't get a baby with someone else. i'll do it

cisco: i want a baby
nicky: to like hang out with?

everette: i want a baby
aella: we're lesbians

@threesacult group

Judge: You’re being charged with stealing penguins from the zoo.
Dally: But my sister needed groomsmen for her wedding, Your Honor!

Cyrus: Hey, Anthony, are you free on Friday? Like, around eight PM?
Anthony: Yes?
Cyrus: How about you, Dally?
Dally: Yeah, I am.
Cyrus: Great! Because I’m not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date.
Anthony: Did she just-

Quill: Why are people so obsessed over top or bottom? I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed!
Perry: I-
Elias: Don’t you dare tell her.

Cyrus: So, where are you originally from?
Dally: Canada.
Cyrus: Which part?
Dally: …My whole body?

[At a restaurant]
Neo, walking up to Levi: Hey, are you single?
Levi: Yeah, I am!
Neo, taking his extra chair: Thanks.

@HighPockets group

Judge: You’re being charged with stealing penguins from the zoo.
Nich: But my cousin needed groomsmen for her wedding, Your Honor!

Aristotle: Hey, Alessandra, are you free on Friday? Like, around eight PM?
Alessandra: Yes?
Aristotle: How about you, Percy?
Percy: Yeah, I am.
Aristotle: Great! Because I’m not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date.
Percy: Did he just-

Marian: Why are people so obsessed over top or bottom? I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed!
Oscar: I-
Nathaniel: Don’t you dare tell her.

Addie: So, where are you originally from?
Kay: Kreel.
Addie: Which part?
Kay: …My whole body?

@Starfast group

Holly: Guess what?
Brian: What?
Holly: No, you have to guess.
Brian: I don't know, what?
Holly: Grandma's in the hospital.
Brian: What is wrong with you? Why would you make me guess that?
Brian: What happened?!?

Crispin: I'm a moderate, peaceful man.
Eva: Just yesterday you threw a chair at Kit.
Crispin: That was moderate and peaceful compared to the table I was going to throw at him.

Taven: Keyla is playing hard to get.
Taven: little does she know, iI’m a master at playing hard to get rid of.

Ara: What are you doing with your life?
Dallas: It’s a surprise.

Brian: Don’t let Holly fool you, she’s not that scary. She used to do ballet.
Dallas: No way.
Holly: Which gave me the practical skills necessary to strangle you with my feet.

Kit: Gerard, tell us about your family.
Gerard: I…have one.

Milo: So, where are you originally from?
Taven: Falthra
Milo: Which part?
Taven: …My whole body?

Andor: People assume I know what I'm doing just because I'm tall.
Ara: The fact that people would assume that to begin with is alarming.

@threesacult group

Jack: Anthony, tell us about your family.
Anthony: I…have one.

Jack: I'm a moderate, peaceful man.
Cyrus: Just yesterday you threw a chair at me.
Jack: That was moderate and peaceful compared to the table I was going to throw at you.

@Eli_ group

Hollow: Ace, tell us about your family.
Ace: I…have one.
Hollow: Good enough.

Ace: I'm a moderate, peaceful man.
Spade: Just yesterday you threw a chair at me-
Ace: That was moderate and peaceful compared to the table I was going to throw at you.

Spade: Don’t let Ace fool you, he’s not that scary. He used to do ballet.
Jack: No way.
Ace: Which gave me the practical skills necessary to strangle you with my feet.

[At a restaurant]
Ace, walking up to Jack: Hey, are you single?
Jack: Yeah, I am!
Ace, taking his extra chair: Thanks.

@HighPockets group

Kay: Don’t let Kels fool you, she’s not that scary. She used to do ballet.
Tabitha: No way.
Kels: Which gave me the practical skills necessary to strangle you with my feet.

@Eli_ group

Riddle: [knocks a can of soda out of Spade's hand] Spade, you're on a diet!
Spade: That wasn't even for me-
Ace: That was mine, you soda-can c_nt!
Hollow: Ace, don't call your dorm leader a soda-can c_nt.
Ace: My bad.
Ace: Fuck you, Captain C*ck-ass.
Hollow: ACE!

@requiemisback language

Lilia: [knocks a can of soda out of Babs' hand] Babs, you're on a diet!
Babs: That wasn't even for me-
Reko: That was mine, you soda-can c_nt!
Lilia: Ace, don't call your dorm leader a soda-can c_nt.
Reko: My bad.
Reko: Fuck you, Captain C*ck-ass.
Lilia: REKO!

@requiemisback language

Seno: Part of adulting is having your bed in the center of the wall instead of the corner.
Babs: Why is this true-?
Reko: You can pry my corner bed out of my cold, dead hands.

Lilia: The older I get, the more I understand Squidward's anger.
Babs: You either die Spongebob, or you live long enough to see yourself become Squidward.
Reko: Oh my god-

Lilia: Don’t let Reko fool you, she’s not that scary. She used to do ballet.
Babs: No way.
Reko: Which gave me the practical skills necessary to strangle you with my feet.

@threesacult group

Cyrus: I don't think I can stay in the same house as the man who ruined my life.
Anthony: For fuck's sake, Cyrus, I'll buy you more Coco-Puffs tomorrow.

Quill, T-posing in the hallway: Good morning, parental figure.
Ms. Twycross, not looking up from her coffee: Hello, problem child.

[Middle of the night]
Cyrus: I am not a religious person.
Cyrus: But if you’re out there, giant rat who makes all of the rules…
Anthony, still awake: What?!

Anthony: The older I get, the more I understand Squidward's anger.
Dally: You either die Spongebob, or you live long enough to see yourself become Squidward.
Cyrus: Oh my god-

Drinn: Today I saw Vio crying for 5-6 minutes and then an alarm went off and he just… stopped crying and went right back to work.
Vio: it’s called time management, Drinn.

Tetra: Poli, keep an eye on Zephyr today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Poli: Sure, I’d love to see Zee get punched.
Tetra: Try again.
Poli, sighing: I will stop Zee from getting punched.

Azazel: I don’t trust birds. Fuckin’ hollow bones. Suspicious. What are they hiding in there?
Quill: Love :)
Azazel: Fuck. You're right.

Perry: Huh, I woke up early for once.
Perry: What an achievement. I deserve a reward.
Perry: Goes back to sleep

Cyrus: My name’s Cyrus Hecate, but you can call me-
Cyrus: Nods head so sunglasses fall into place
Cyrus: Anytime.
Anthony, in the background: Facepalms

Anthony: What scares you the most?
Cyrus: Being left behind.
Quill: Feeling like I have no control over my life.
Jack: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding you all towards your inevitable deaths.
Dally: Jack.

@HighPockets group

Quinn: I don't think I can stay in the same house as the man who ruined my life.
Vince: For fuck's sake, Quinn, I'll buy you more Coco-Puffs tomorrow.

Middle of the night
Barry: I am not a religious person.
Barry: But if you’re out there, giant rat who makes all of the rules…
Padma, still awake: What?!

Padma: The older I get, the more I understand Squidward's anger.
Frankie: You either die Spongebob, or you live long enough to see yourself become Squidward.
Kat: Oh my God-

Talia: My name’s Natalia Dawes-Brecker, but you can call me-
Talia: Nods head so sunglasses fall into place
Talia: Anytime.
Vince, in the background: Facepalms

@requiemisback language

Reko: I don't think I can stay in the same house as the man who ruined my life.
Lilia: For fuck's sake, Reko, I'll buy you more Reese's Puffs tomorrow.

Seno: What scares you the most?
Lilia: Being left behind.
Babs: Feeling like I have no control over my life.
Reko: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding you all towards your inevitable deaths.
Luka: Reko.

Lilia: Reko, keep an eye on Luka today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Reko: Sure, I’d love to see Luka get punched.
Lilia: Try again.
Reko, sighing dramatically: I will stop Luka from getting punched.

Mic: Huh, I woke up early for once.
Mic: What an achievement. I deserve a reward.
Mic: Goes right back to sleep

@Eli_ group

Hollow: Part of adulting is having your bed in the center of the wall instead of the corner.
Spade: Why is this true-?
Ace: You can pry my corner bed out of my cold, dead hands.

Hollow: What scares you the most?
Jack: Being left behind.
Spade: Feeling like I have no control over my life.
Ace: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding you all towards your inevitable deaths.
Diamond: Ace.

Ace: I don't think I can stay in the same house as the man who ruined my life.
Riddle: For fuck's sake, Ace, I'll buy you more Coco-Puffs tomorrow.

Hollow: Riddle, keep an eye on Ace today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Riddle: Sure, I’d love to see Ace get punched.
Hollow: Try again.
Riddle, sighing dramatically: I will stop Ace from getting punched.

Diamond: God, Ace is such a snake.
Ace: Bet.
Diamond: Wait what are you-
Ace: [slithers away on a hoverboard]
Diamond: I had a feeling he was gonna do that.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Edith: Hey Knox, are you free on Friday around eight PM?
Knox: Uh-huh.
Edith: What about you, Reina?
Reina: Yeah, I am.
Edith: Great, because I’m not. You two enjoy your date!
Reina: Did she just-

Freesia: What are you doing with your life?
Knox: It’s a surprise.

Knox: Don’t let Edith fool you, she’s not that scary. She used to do ballet.
Reina: No way.
Edith: Which gave me the skills necessary to strangle you with my feet.

Reina: The older I get, the more I understand Squidward.
Knox: You either die Spongebob, or you live long enough to see yourself become Squidward.

Knox, T-posing in the hallway: Good morning, parental figure.
Freesia, not looking up from her coffee: Hello, problem child.

Knox: My name’s Knox Xanthar, but you can call me-
Knox: [nods head so sunglasses fall into place]
Knox: Anytime.
Reina in the background: [facepalms]

Freesia: What scares you the most?
Reina: Being left behind.
Hailey: Feeling like I have no control over my life.
Knox: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards our inevitable deaths.
Edith: Knox.

Freesia: Edith, keep an eye on Knox today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Edith: Sure, I’d love to see Knox get punched.
Freesia: Try again.
Edith, sighing dramatically: I will stop Knox from getting punched.

@Eli_ group

Riddle: Hey Ace, are you free on Friday around eight PM?
Ace: Uh-huh.
Riddle: What about you, Spade?
Spade: Yeah, I am.
Riddle: Great! Because I’m not. You two enjoy your date!
Spade: Did she just-

Ace: My name’s Ace Clubs, but you can call me-
Ace: [nods head so sunglasses fall into place]
Ace: Anytime.
Spade, Riddle, Diamond, Hollow, and Heart in the background: [facepalms]
Jack: [gives Ace a thumbs up] You go, dude!

@requiemisback language

Reko: Pro tip: you can deescalate any situation by saying ‘are we about to kiss?’
Reko: It doesn’t work for speeding tickets, though.
Babs: Oh-
Reko: It could work on other cops, but I dunno. I've never tried it before.

Reko: [exists]
Babs: Stop seducing me with your criminal record

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Micheal: The older I get, the more I understand Squidward's anger.
Micheal: You either die Spongebob, or you live long enough to see yourself become Squidward.
Sophie: Oh my God-

Terry: Wait weren't you hikkomoring
Charlie: WHAT!
Darrell: You'll have to excuse my friend he's canadian

Elijah is happening

Jax: I don’t trust birds. Fuckin’ hollow bones. Suspicious. What are they hiding in there?
Sophie: Love :)
Jax: Fuck. You're right.

Micheal: Yougotgamesonyourphone

Charlie: Do you think vegetables ever feel pain?
Hasuko: Charlie, eat your damn food

Terry: mayonnaise is spicy

Sophie: Don't you have anyone else that likes you anyway?
Elijah: Well, now that you mention it…
Emma: So, I think I have feelings for you.
Like… I kind of like you.
I love you. I'm-I'm telling you I love you.
Elijah: Yeah, I don't think so.

Elijah: You're never being together again!
Charlie: Just who do you think you are?
Elijah: Elijah!

@requiemisback language

Reko: I don’t trust birds. Fuckin’ hollow bones. Suspicious. What are they hiding in there?
Babs: Love :)
Reko: Fuck. You're right.

Reko: Do you think vegetables ever feel pain?
Lilia: Reko, eat your damn food

Lilia: God, Reko is such a snake.
Reko: Bet.
Lilia: Wait what are you-
Reko: [slithers away on a hoverboard]
Lilia: I had a feeling she was gonna do that.