forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Elijah" I'm telling the Boss
Hunter, on the phone: New phone, who dis
Elijah: Sophie's being a baby and not playing the kill Charlie game, can I kill her
Ellijah: I was going to but now I wanna-

@probablypolnareff language

Dollie : I'm telling the Boss
Luca : New phone, who dis
Dollie : Tamaki's being a baby and not playing the kill Charlie game, can I kill him ?
Dollie : I was going but now I want to-

Luca : Shut up
Dollie :
Dollie : All I did was breathe
Luca : Yes
Luca : Now hush up , smartass

@threesacult group

Cyrus: Every time I move, I crunch like popcorn.
Dally, from another room: And every time we kiss, I swear I could fly!

Perry: I would be so dangerous if I knew how anything worked.

Zephyr: I'm having a midlife crisis!
Tetra: You're 14.

Quill: Do you think that Azzi thinks in English or in Latin?
Jack: Bold of you to assume xe thinks at all.

Zephyr: I can't seem to do anything right now.
Drinn: Mhm. I never thought I'd have to say this, but there is only space in this family for one disappointing sibling, and I have held that title for a very long time, so you're going to have to get it together.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Lucas: What the fuck was that
Micheal: It was me, Micheal Kāne
Lucas: JESUS CHRIST! Is that fucking friend?
Micheal: No! I'm a sophomore
Lucas: Whatever, just no one feed that fucking them after midnight

Micheal: I'm having a midlife crisis!
Sophie: You're 15.

Sophie: Do you think that Felix thinks in English or in Alien?
Matthew: Bold of you to assume he thinks at all


Zatian: I see no reason why I can't be both the love interest and the antagonist.

Takeo, running into the room: Why is there a pregnancy test in the cupboard?!
Sana: Takeo, that's a thermometer.

Leaoni: [visiting Varian in hospital after an accident]: Where’s the bar?
Varian: Hospitals don’t have bars.
Leaoni: And this is why people hate hospitals.

Alune: It's unhealthy to eat past 9 pm.
Leaoni: [eating cake at 3am] Well, good thing time is an illusion.

Frost: I would die for you.
Alune: Then perish.

Varian: Would you rather stab Zatian, or-
Leaoni: Frost.
Varian: I didn’t even say the other option.
Leaoni: I don’t need to hear it.
Frost: I'm feeling a little unsafe here.

Varian: So, you like cats.
Alune: Uh, yeah, I guess.
Varian, trying to impress him: [pushes Alune's drink off the table]

Frost: What if “It’s Raining Men” and “Let the Bodies Hit The Floor” are both about the same events but from different perspectives.
Kallai: I’m literally begging you to stop.

Zatian, putting on make-up: If men find out we can shapeshift ~
Zatian: They're going to tell the church!

Varian, to Raiden: Hello Uncle. That I have never met before and have no blood relation to.

Frost: Hey, are you asleep?
Takeo: Yes.
Frost: Oh, okay.
[two hours later]
Frost: Hey, wait a fucking second -

Madam Margo: Varian, who is that?
Alune: Yeah Varian, who am I?
Varian: This is Alune. He's my, uh… My room…friend
Alune: I'm your roomfriend?

Leaoni, trying to comfort Sana: Hey, come on, it's okay to fall apart sometimes. Taco's fall apart all the time and we still love them!

[phone ringing]
Varian: [picks up phone] Voss Residence, cute one speaking.

Takeo and Alune: [arguing loudly]
Frost: Stop fighting! The stress is bad for the baby!
Takeo: What baby?
Frost: Me! I'm the baby.

Alune: So what's our plan?
Varian: [flings himself into danger]
Alune, tired: So no plan? Great.

@HighPockets group

Tabitha: I see no reason why I can't be both the love interest and the antagonist.

Geneva, visiting Jackson in the hospital: Where’s the bar?
Jackson: Hospitals don’t have bars.
Geneva: And this is why people hate hospitals.

Darius: So what's our plan?
Oliver: Flings himself into danger
Darius: So no plan? Great.

@threesacult group

Ibis: I see no reason why I can't be both the love interest and the antagonist.

Elias, running into the room: Why is there a pregnancy test in the cupboard?!
Perry: Eli, that's a thermometer.

Tetra: It's unhealthy to eat past 9 PM.
Ellis, eating cake at 3 AM: Good thing time is an illusion.

Anthony: Would you rather stab Cyrus, or-
Jack: Dally.
Anthony: I didn’t even say the other option.
Jack: I don’t need to hear it.
Dally: I'm feeling a little unsafe here.

Dally: So, you like cats.
Anthony: Uh, yeah, I guess.
Dally, trying to impress him: [Pushes Anthony's drink off the table]

Cyrus: Hey, are you asleep?
Anthony: Yes.
Cyrus: Oh, okay.
Cyrus: Wait a fucking second-

[At Quinn's wedding]
Quinn: Dally, who is that?
Anthony: Yeah, Dame, who am I?
Dally: This is Anthony. He's my, uh… my room… friend.
Anthony: I'm your roomfriend??

[Phone ringing]
Cyrus, picking up the phone: Hecate and Co., cute one speaking.

@HighPockets group

Carter: So, you like cats.
Louis: Uh, yeah, I guess.
Carter, trying to impress him: Pushes Louis' drink off the table

At Claire's track meet
Claire: Victor, who is that?
Victor: This is Henry. He's my, uh… my room… friend.
Henry: I'm your roomfriend??

Phone ringing
Martha, picking up the phone: Weston-Gavel PI, cute one speaking.

@HighPockets group

Walton: I want to be just like you when I grow up :)
Oscar: That's adorable, but I'm begging you to reconsider.

Jackson: Nobody cares about the fate of laborers as long as they can get their instant gratification.
Jackson, not even 2 seconds later: Haha yeehaw my beets


Zatian: You're too late, you fools! You'll never stop me now.
Frost: That's where you're wrong, evil-doer! We will stop you using the powers of:
Varian: Friendship!
Rose: Harmony!
Leaoni: Incredible violence!
Sana: And love!
Alune: [facepalms]

Wren: You were happy once, you know.
Alune: I was never happy. I was just less pissed off.

Pytho: I fucked up.
Varian; Okay, I never thought I'd have to say this, but there is only space in this family for one disappointing sibling, and I have held that title for a very long time, so you are going to have to get it together.

Takeo: Every time I move, I crunch like popcorn.
Frost, from another room: And every time we kiss I swear I could fly!

Sana: Which is better, a dog WITH a backpack, or a dog IN a backpack.
Frost: Clearly a big dog with a backpack containing a smaller dog.
Sana: True.

Takeo: "wOrK sMaRtEr nOt hArDeR" Hohoho- listen buster, at minimum wage I'm not doing either.

Frost: I would be so dangerous if I knew how anything worked.

Varian: Coffee is disgusting, I only drink the finest leaves
Alune: Tea is just pompous water, real adults drink coffee

@threesacult group

Zephyr: Coughs violently
Vio, sarcastically: Don’t die.
Zephyr: Don’t tell me what to do.

Love: Hey, Jack, did Rasputin do something problematic?
Jack: Did…
Jack: Did Rasputin
Jack: …do something problematic.
Love: I thought he was just Russia’s greatest love machine!

Tetra: Listen, Poli, I need your help.
Poli: Great, who are we beating up? I won’t do kids, though, that’s a rule.
Poli: Well, that rule’s negotiable if the kid’s a dick.

Azazel: I just had an idea!
Anthony: Scratch that.
Azazel: You haven’t even heard it yet!
Anthony: I already told you, no violence.
Azazel: …But-
Anthony: No.
Azazel, scratching out what xe was writing: This is bullshit.

Karma: You’re late.
Jack: Don’t even start, I wasn’t going to come at all.

Anthony: I hate him.
Cyrus: Me too.
Anthony: You don’t even know who I’m talking about.
Cyrus: Solidarity.

Tetra: Zee? Are you ready to come out and interact with other people?
Zephyr, from under their bed: Demonic screeching
Tetra: Understandable, I’ll get you something to eat while I’m out.

Anthony: We have to handle this the way we always do, with-
Cyrus: Brute strength?
Jack: Unnecessary amounts of violence?
Dally: Almost dying?
Quill: Getting incredibly lucky?
Anthony: No!

@HighPockets group

Nich: Coughs violently
Mourton: Don’t die.
Nich: Don’t tell me what to do.

Victor: You’re late.
Geneva: Don’t even start, I wasn’t going to come at all.

Marisol: I hate him.
Harper: Me too.
Marisol: You don’t even know who I’m talking about.
Harper: Solidarity.

Oliver: We have to handle this the way we always do, with-
Therese: Brute strength?
Marcus: Unnecessary amounts of violence?
Darius: Almost dying?
Jon: Getting incredibly lucky?
Oliver: No!

@Starfast group

Milo: Sorry if you don't think I'm funny but that’s not my problem. My target audience has already been met.
Ravina: Who is your target audience?
Milo: Me.

Gerard: I hate everyone in this room
Leo from the doorway: haha you’re the only one in the room!!
Gerard: I know

Dallas: What's your deal, man?
Ara: My deal?
Dallas: Weird shit never used to happen to me. But every time I hang out with you, it's weird shit.
Ara: Uh, no. You don't get to say that. You ARE the weird shit that is happening to me.

Milo: Everyone know what to do?
Taven: In general or the plan?
Milo: The plan, Taven.
Taven: *Sigh of relief*

Farli: i'm mysterious, but not on purpose.
Farli: i'm just trying to leave wherever I am at all times, and that makes me seem mysterious.
Farli: but it's actually the behavior of like, a dumb bird.

Adelia, trying to flirt: Have you ever fallen in love?
Gerard, oblivious: I can't even fall asleep.

Jackie: I hate him.
Holly: Me too.
Jackie: You don’t even know who I’m talking about.
Holly: Solidarity.

Andor: You’re late.
Ara: Don’t even start, I wasn’t going to come at all.

Andor: Hey, Ara, did Rasputin do something problematic?
Ara: Did…
Ara: Did Rasputin…
Ara: …do something problematic.
Andor: I thought he was just Russia’s greatest love machine!

Andor: "wOrK sMaRtEr nOt hArDeR" Hohoho- listen buster, at minimum wage I'm not doing either.

Andor: I’m bi and confused.
Andor: Not about being bi. I just never know what the fuck is going on.

Milo: Here's some advice!
Garzlan: I didn't ask for any.
Milo: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me.

Therapist: How does that make you feel?
Dallas: I'm not very good at describing my emotions.
Dallas: Maybe you could hold up a bunch of meme pictures until I see one I would usually comment 'mood' under?

Dallas: Do you think that Kay thinks in Englih or in Norwegian?
Ara: Bold of you to assume he thinks at all.

@HighPockets group

Jackson: Sorry if you don't think I'm funny but that’s not my problem. My target audience has already been met.
Geneva: Who's your target audience?
Jackson: Me.

Eliot: I'm mysterious, but not on purpose.
Eliot: I'm just trying to leave wherever I am at all times, and that makes me seem mysterious.
Eliot: But it's actually the behavior of like, a dumb bird.

Geneva: "wOrK sMaRtEr nOt hArDeR"- listen bitch, at minimum wage I'm not doing either.


Leaoni: I know Varian is allegedly bad and shouldn't be mixed with under any circumstances.
Leaoni: But he also talks about saving the bees so how fucking evil can he be?

Sana: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way.
Frost: I almost died!
Leaoni, cracking up: Oh yeah, good times.

Zatian: I'm going to kill you.
Varian: [shrugs] I'm already dead inside anyway.
Alune, in the distance: Varian, no!

Leaoni: Talk to me, Wren, how are we looking?
Wren: Sexy, but not like we're trying too hard. Like sure, we're trying, but it's almost effortless.

Wren: Best answer to getting stabbed with a knife?
Alune: Rude.
Zatian: That’s fair.
Varian: Not again.
Leaoni: Yeah so are you gonna take it back or can I keep it.

Leaoni: I want to be like a caterpillar.
Varian: Explain.
Leaoni: Eat a lot, sleep, wake up beautiful.
Alune: You know you would have a lifespan of about a week, right?
Leaoni: Another highlight .

Varian: I would die for you.
Alune: Not if i die for you first.
Varian: Is that a challenge?
Sana: No. No it is not. Both of you sit down, for the love of-

Kallai: I'm an assassin, I want nothing, i feel nothing…
Varian: That's so sad.
Varian: [starts playing Despacito on his flute]

Kallai: What's your motive here? Like what exactly are you looking for?
Zatian: Attention, mostly.

Varian: On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if -
Alune: At least a twenty.

Leaoni: Why do people keep trying to put a blanket on me?
Kallai: Because you're in shock.
Leaoni: That doesn't mean I need a blanket. It means I need booze.

Varian: I refuse to go into battle looking less than my best.

Frost: Is that blood?
Kallai: No?
Frost: That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question.

Alune: Shut up!
Varian: I didn't say anything?
Alune: You were thinking. It's annoying.

Frost: I don't know what the question was but without a doubt my answer is 'i don't know'.

@HighPockets group

Imogen: I know Katya Kels is allegedly bad and shouldn't be mixed with under any circumstances.
Imogen: But she also talks about saving the bees so how evil can she be?

Geneva: Talk to me, Gavel, how are we looking?
Jackson: Sexy, but not like we're trying too hard. Like sure, we're trying, but it's almost effortless.

Henry: Best answer to getting stabbed with a knife?
Martha: Rude.
Victor: That’s fair.
Jackson: Not again.

Poplar: What's your motive here? What exactly are you looking for?
Oleander: Attention, mostly.

Oliver: Why do people keep trying to put a blanket on me?
Nell: Because you're in shock.
Oliver: That doesn't mean I need a blanket. It means I need booze.

Oleander: I refuse to go into battle looking less than my best.

Samuel: Is that blood?
Nich: No?
Samuel: That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question.

Vivian: Shut up.
Lucas: I didn't say anything?
Vivian: You were thinking. It's annoying.

@threesacult group

Quill: I know Azazel is allegedly bad and shouldn't be mixed with under any circumstances.
Quill: But xe also talks about saving the bees, so how evil can xe be?

Dally: Sorry if you don't think I'm funny but that’s not my problem. My target audience has already been met.
Anthony: Who's your target audience?
Dally: Me.

Drinn: I'm mysterious, but not on purpose.
Drinn: I'm just trying to leave wherever I am at all times, and that makes me seem mysterious.
Drinn: But it's actually the behavior of like, a dumb bird.

@LilMeme group

Mamoru: I'm telling your mom
Ran, on the phone: New phone, who dis
Mamoru: Minato being a baby and not playing the kill Asumi game, can I kill her
Mamoru: I was going to but now I wanna-

Minato: What the fuck is gluten? Take that shit out.
Mikoto: it's gluten-free.
Minato: I don't CARE if it's free.
Mikoto: swear on your fucking YEEZYS; if you wanna fight, we gon' fight.

Eri: I challenge you to a game!
Kage: For what? to become king of humanity!
Eri: Imanity?
Kage: I will eat your babies.

Emiko: I think you should see this from my perspective
Kage: Crouches down

Asumi, introducing Emiko: Look, Kage. There's another cute emo in this group!
Kage: I'm gonna fucking kill you.
Emiko: Bring it on, bitch.

@Williamnot group

Fellix: "wOrK sMaRtEr nOt hArDeR" Hohoho- listen buster, I'm not doing either.

Melissa: Which is better, a dog WITH a backpack, or a dog IN a backpack
Austin: Clearly a big dog with a backpack containing a smaller dog
Emily: True

Felix: I hate you !!
Jarrod: Okay , but do you want some pizza or not ?
Felix: Yessir . . .

Felix: Sorry if you don't think I'm funny but that’s not my problem. My target audience has already been me, and nobody else. Get over yourselves.

Austin: I hate everyone in this room
Jarrod: you’re the only one in the room
Austin: I know

Jarrod: Everyone know what to do?
Austin: In general or the plan?
Jarrod: The plan, Austin.
Austin: Sigh of relief

Austin: I'm mysterious, but not on purpose.
Austin: I'm just trying to leave wherever I am at all times, and that makes me seem mysterious.
Austin: But it's actually the behavior of like, a feral dog or something.
Austin, a werewolf: Wait-

Felix, trying to flirt: Have you ever fallen in love?
Jarrod, half-oblivious: I can't even fall asleep.

Melissa: I hate him.
Austin: Me too.
Melissa: You don’t even know who I’m talking about.
Austin: Solidarity.

Jarrod: You’re late.
Felix: Don’t even start, I wasn’t going to come at all.

Felix: Hey, Jarrod, did Rasputin do something problematic?
Jarrod: Did…
Jarrod: Did Rasputin…
Jarrod: …do something problematic.
Felix: I thought he was just Russia’s greatest love machine
(Realizing now that I know nothing of Rasputin and am now convinced he was possessed by an evil entity)

Felix: I’m bi and confused.
Felix: Not about being bi. I just never know what the fuck is going on.

Austin: Here's some advice,
Melissa: I didn't ask for any.
Austin: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Theo: I think you should see this from my perspective
Matthew: Crouches down
Theo: I will kill you in your sleep

Elijah, introducing Sophie: Look, Emma. There's another cute girl in this group!
Emma: I'm gonna fucking kill you.

Sophie: And your next line will be, "THIS MUST BE THE WORK OF AN ENEMY STAND!"
Valerie: Was that meant to be a reference of some kind?
Sophie: Are you serious?
Valerie: Wait! I got it!
Sophie: THANK YOU!
Valerie: Was that a motherfucking Killing Stalking reference?

@HighPockets group

Oleander: Sorry if you don't think I'm sexy but that’s not my problem. Get over yourselves.

Ayla: Everyone know what to do?
Huxley: In general or the plan?
Ayla: The plan, Huxley.
Huxley: Sigh of relief

Addie: You’re late.
Kels: Don’t even start, I wasn’t going to come at all.

Casey: Hey, Randall, did Rasputin do something problematic?
Beck: Did…
Beck: Did Rasputin…
Beck: …do something problematic.
Casey: I thought he was just Russia’s greatest love machine!

Pietyr: I’m bisexual and confused.
Pietyr: Not about being bisexual. I just never know what the hell is going on.