forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@sock group

Chan: Hey Ren, did Rasputin do something problematic?
Ren: Did-
Ren: Did Rasputin do something problematic-
Chan: I thought he was just Russia’s greatest love machine!

Chan: Hmm. I fucked up
Lucas: What'd you do this time?
Chan: Head empty, no thoughts, I put our plastic shower curtain in the drying machine
Lucas: Well, it's clean now
Chan: It's clean now

Chan: My body is nOT a "temple". It's a clown car and NONE OF THESE BITCHES KNOW HOW TO DRIVE

Chan: Sorry if you don't think I'm funny but that’s not my problem. My target audience has already been met.
Lucas: Who's your target audience?
Chan: Me.

Meg, covered in blood while everyone else is in Halloween costumes: Oh, it's Halloween.
Meg: This was really, really good timing.

Laetus: This is what, the third time I've nearly died?
Heli, not looking up from his journal: Fifth.
Laetus: Really? That many?

Theo: Please don't tell me you're bringing Mito.
Stella: He's harmless.
Theo: He stabbed Pira. Twice.
Stella: An honest mistake.

Theo: If you're going to make a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Pira: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.

@Eli_ group

Jack: My body is nOT a "temple". It's a clown car and NONE OF THESE BITCHES KNOW HOW TO DRIVE.

Hollow writing a book
Hollow: Horrible things keep happening to my characters and I don't know why-
Hollow's brain: Make it worse.
Hollow: But why mus-
Hollow's brain, interrupting: You gotta.

Ace: Guys, I have a problem…
[long pause]
Ace: I think I may be gayer than God originally planned me to be.

Ace: Tall people are our true enemies.
Mal, who is 6'5: I can't even see you hatin' from all the way down there.

@threesacult group

Quill: My body is not a temple. It is a clown car and none of these bitches know how to drive

Dally: Guys, I have a problem.
[Dramatic pause]
Dally: I think I may be gayer than God intended me to be.

Me, the author: Horrible things keep happening to my characters and I don't know why.
My brain: Make it worse.
Me: But why mus-
My brain, interrupting: You gotta.

Cyrus: Tall people are our true enemies.
Jack, who is around seven feet tall: I can't even see you hating from all the way down there.

Anthony: If you're going to make a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Cyrus: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.

Dally: Bigfoot but shaven.
Cyrus: Mr. Clean.
Anthony: You two are the reason why I have anxiety.

Cyrus: Well, God let me live again, and I am going to make it everyone else's problem

Vio: Is Zee okay?
Drinn: They're fine.
Zephyr: The next time the waitress says “Say when”, I won’t say anything. I’ll refuse to back down. The room will fill with grated parmesan…there will be no survivors.
Drinn: They're having a day.

Karma: Mistakes were made.
Love: By you.
Karma: And people got hurt.
Love: By you!


Varian: [kicks the G off graveyard sign]
Takeo: let’s get this party started.

Marcello: Wow, three tattoos…those are pretty permanent, you know.
Varian: Wow, three children…those are pretty permanent, dad.
Madam Margo, without looking up from her newspaper: Both can be removed with lasers.

Wren, on the verge of tears: Okay not that I care, but-

Guard: You have the right to remain silent.
Varian: But do I have the ability?

Wren: Hey, how long would it take until you start hallucinating from sleep loss?
Leaoni: Uh, I think -
Alune, visibly shaking: Seventy-two hours without sleep
Leaoni: How do you know?
Alune: There's a clown behind you. [aggressively chugs coffee]

Marcello: Where is my son?
Madam Margo: Which one?
Marcello: I don't know, they all look the same.

Takeo: My body is not a temple. It is a clown car and none of these bitches know how to drive

Alune: Tall people are our true enemies.
Wren: I can't even see you hating from all the way down there.

Varian: Well, God let me live again, and I am going to make it everyone else's problem

Kallai: Is Frost okay?
Sana: He's fine.
Frost: The next time the waitress says “Say when”, I won’t say anything. I’ll refuse to back down. The room will fill with grated parmesan…there will be no survivors.
Sana: He's having a day.

Frost: Mistakes were made.
Alune: By you.
Frost: And people got hurt.
Alune: By you!

@HighPockets group

Oscar: Guys, I have a problem.
Oscar: Dramatic pause
Oscar: I think I may be gayer than the gods intended me to be.

Nich: If you're going to make a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Therese: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.

Martha: Bigfoot but shaven.
Jackson: Mr. Clean.
Victor: You two are the reason why I have anxiety.

Cordelia: Well, the gods let me live again, and I am going to make it everyone else's problem

Titania: Is Robin okay?
Oberon: They're fine.
Robin: The next time the waitress says “Say when”, I won’t say anything. I’ll refuse to back down. The room will fill with grated cheese, there will be no survivors.
Oberon: They're having a day.

@Eli_ group

Riddle: Ace, can you please refrain from fucking shit up?
Ace: Nah.

Spade: Do you guys ever just feel bugs on you, even when there's no bugs?
Ace: They're the ghosts of bugs you've killed.
Spade: I'm going to ignore that.

Ace: Good morning, cruel world.
Hollow: Don't you mean goodbye?
Ace: No, I meant good morning. This world may be cruel, but I'm still kickin'.

@HighPockets group

Oliver: Fox, can you please refrain from fucking shit up?
Nich: Nah.

Ansel: Do you guys ever just feel bugs on you, even when there's no bugs?
Oliver: They're the ghosts of bugs you've killed.
Jon: That was uncalled for.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Dawn: It's a matter of gay or death


Elijah: You forfeited your life privileges

Alex: If you don't like my tuna casserole you are a dumbass and a liar, or worse; a vegan.

Elijah: One percent, represent

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Law: Azami-ya, can you please refrain from fucking shit up?
Azami: Nah.

Usopp: Do you guys ever just feel bugs on you, even when there's no bugs?
Brook: They're the ghosts of bugs you've killed.
Sanji, terrified: That was uncalled for.

Mihawk: Is Estella.. okay?
Peregrine: She's fine.
Estella: The next time the waitress says “Say when”, I won’t say anything. I’ll refuse to back down. The room will fill with grated cheese, there will be no survivors.
Peregrine: She's having a day.

@probablypolnareff language

Luca: Is Dollie . . . okay?
Tamaki: Xe's fine.
Dollie: The next time the waitress says “Say when”, I won’t say anything. I’ll refuse to back down. The room will fill with grated cheese, there will be no survivors.
Tamaki: Xe's having a day.

Luca: Do you guys ever just . . . feel bugs on you, even when there's no bugs?
Dollie: They're the ghosts of bugs you've killed.
Tamaki, absolutely terrified: That . . . That was uncalled for.

@threesacult group

Tetra: Zee, can you please refrain from fucking shit up?
Zephyr: Nah.

Cyrus: Do you guys ever just feel bugs on you, even when there's no bugs?
Jack: They're the ghosts of bugs you've killed.
Cyrus: That was uncalled for.

Quill: Is Azzi okay?
Tracey: Xe's fine.
Azazel: The next time the waitress says “Say when”, I won’t say anything. I’ll refuse to back down. The room will fill with grated cheese, and there will be no survivors.
Tracey: Xe's having a day.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

William: They always say ok boomer but never are you ok, boomer
Lucas: Ok boomer
William: Lucas, get out

Matthew: I don't think my father would raise me to become a murderer
Mark, In the afterlife: Kill him!

Lucas: I have to use the bathroom
William: It's may
Lucas: No, It's February
Lucas: ¬‿¬
William: ╭∩╮(︶_︶)╭∩╮

Duke, during the apolcyse: God has left, I'll take over now

Sophie: Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang
Lucas: Dang, dang, diggety-dang-a-dang
Micheal: What the hell is wrong with you two?

Elliot: Ahh, wouldn't it be great if Santa actually gave is what we want this year
Theo: Yeah, what do you usually put down
Skylar: Mental stability, but also a sugar daddy, and spiderman merch
Elliott: Life without anxiety, a pet pig, and skinny privilege
Theo: Hmm, mice dressed in people clothes how about you. What about you, Cleo
Cleo: Well I have everything I could ever want right here
Theo: Aww
Cleo: I was talking about my Netflix subscription
Elliot: That's our Cleo

Noelle: Man, sure is lovely out
Amerly: Ah
Noelle: Ah
Noelle: Could say the same thing about you, pal
Amery: Were you watching us
Noelle: Little bit
Amerly: You sick daughter of bitch
Noelle: At least, I'm not playing where someone got chopped the fuck up

Valerie to Sophie: My middle finger gets a boner every time it's see you

Charlie: What is an emo kid without his closest allies… and Terry

Sophie: Is it just me or does it sound like something died
Ava: It's all in your head
Sophie: D-do you mean that
Ava: No, I'm just telling you want to hear, you maggot
Sophie: It's one thing to lie but do you have to call me a maggot

Sophie: Charlie is just trying to help, well he's failing miserably but he's trying to help

Lucas: No airpods, you smell like broke

Tori, shouting at a mall Santa: Hey Santa! Merry Christmas you capitalist pig, OINK OINK

Mason playing Staying Alive
Sophie: Why do I hear boss music

@HighPockets group

Huxley: I don't think my parents would raise me to become a murderer.
Felicity, In the afterlife: Kill him!

Jackson: Charlie is just trying to help.
Jackson: He's failing miserably, but he's trying to help.

@Eli_ group

[Riddle, trying to teach Ace math]
Riddle: [tries to draw a line but ends up making a mistake] Oh, my bad. That line was supposed to be straight-
Ace: Don't worry. So was I.

Ace: You call it "really bad at darts," but I like to call it freestyle acupuncture.
Riddle: Get out.

Hollow: Ace, stop bullying Riddle. He is just trying to help.
Hollow: He's failing miserably, but he's trying to help.


Varian: So what if I'm in love with you? Mind your own business.

Frost: Takeo, put some sunscreen on.
Takeo: Frost, I'm a grown man, I don't need that.
Frost: You think you're stronger than the sun?
Frost: The fucking sun?

Sana: So, how did you guys meet?
Varian: It was so cute!
Alune: We were trying to kill each other, Varian.

Varian: You know, don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like you've become a lot more fun since I've known you.
Alune: Thanks. And if I may return the compliment, I think you've become marginally less annoying.

Sana: [with a large box in her hand] What would you say if I came home with four puppies?
Kallai: Sana, What's in the box?
Sana: I think you know.

Kallai: What’s on your mind?
Frost: Our fingers have fingertips but our toes don’t have toetips. And yet we can tiptoe, but we can’t tipfinger?
Kallai: I shouldn’t have asked.
Takeo: O.O

[Alune, trying to teach Varian math]
Alune: [*tries to draw a line but ends up making a mistake] Oh, my bad. That line was supposed to be straight-
Varian: Don't worry. So was I.

Leaoni: You call it "really bad at darts," but I like to call it freestyle acupuncture.
Alune: Get out.

Kallai: Leaoni, stop bullying Frost. He is just trying to help.
Kallai: He's failing miserably, but he's trying to help.

@threesacult group

Anthony: So what if I'm in love with you? Mind your own business.

Poli: You know, don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like you've become a lot more fun since I've known you.
Tetra: Thanks. And if I may return the compliment, I think you've become marginally less annoying.

@HighPockets group

Nich: You know, don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like you've become a lot more fun since I've known you.
Samuel: Thank you. And if I may return the compliment, I think you've become marginally less annoying.

@sock group

Ren: Chan, can you please refrain from fucking shit up?
Chan: Nah.

Elyas: Do you guys ever just feel bugs on you, even when there's no bugs?
Lucas: They're the ghosts of bugs you've killed.
Elyas: That was uncalled for.

Elyas: Is Ren okay?
Zephyr: She's fine.
Ren: The next time the waitress says “Say when”, I won’t say anything. I’ll refuse to back down. The room will fill with grated cheese, and there will be no survivors.
Zephyr: She's having a day.

Zephyr: You call it "really bad at darts," but I like to call it freestyle acupuncture.
Elyas: Get out.

Chan: You know, don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like you've become a lot more fun since I've known you.
Lucas: Thanks. And if I may return the compliment, I think you've become marginally less annoying.

Ren: My problem is that you'll give me a due date, and my brain thinks it's weeks farther than it actually is

Elyas: Sir please, that's my emotional support stack of books I haven't read

Me: Help, the characters I created for a joke have detailed tragic backstory and epic lore now

Deleted user

Bastian: Jaq, can you please refrain from fucking shit up?
Jaq: Nah.

Cefora: Do you guys ever just feel bugs on you, even when there's no bugs?
Hewalo: They're the ghosts of bugs you've killed.
Cefora: That was uncalled for.

Bastian: You know, don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like you've become a lot more fun since I've known you.
Jaq: Thanks. And if I may return the compliment, I think you've become marginally less annoying.

Jaq: My problem is that you'll give me a due date, and my brain thinks it's weeks farther than it actually is

Uzuala: Sir please, that's my emotional support stack of books I haven't read

Me: Help, the characters I created as a side project have taken over my life

@tiredandconfused group

Enn, talking to Baras: I am going to kill you… and then kill you again

Yllmadaya: I'm never becoming old and I'm never dying so God can figure that one out on his own. Not my problem

Halisia: I know Kiram very well: self obsessed, family issues, way too into being tall.
Kiram: Typical Halisia, throwing shade. But, it doesn’t matter. Because I’m casting it. Because I’m closer to the sun. I’m tall.

Daal: You know, don't take this the wrong way, but I feel like you've become a lot more fun since I've known you.
Calla: Thank you. And if I may return the compliment, I think you've become marginally less annoying.


Varian: Hey! A letter! I have friends! [opens letter]
Varian: Oh, that's not a letter, that's a threat.

Sana: Alright, everybody! How are we feeling?
Frost: With our fingers.
Sana: No like emotionally.
Frost: Oh! Sad.

Varian: Alright, let's hear your war cry.
Miran: giggles in baby
Varian: Oh my god, my heart.

Frost: I'm awake, I've had my cheerios, had a nice glass of water. I'm ready to commit violent atrocities against my fellow man, let's go-

Alune: I'm gay but he's not my boyfriend because I can do much better than him.
Varian: Really? Then why don't you, Alune.

Frost: One day, you’re gonna look back on this and laugh!
Takeo: I assure you that for the rest of my life every time I look back on this I will personally drive over to your house and smack you.

Leaoni: I cannot believe the audacity that some of these men have like you’re seriously gonna sit here and look me in my eye-

Kallai: Promise me you’ll be on your best behaviour?
Varian: Ah…I promised other people I’d be on my worst behaviour. And I gave my word so.

Kallai: Do you wanna have dinner next Friday?
Zatian: No… I’m full.
Kallai: Next Friday?
Zatian: Yeah, I'm gonna be full that day.

Frost: Birth certificates are just baby receipts.
Kallai: No, they're-
Takeo: Holy shit, he's right!

Madam Margo: You either buckle down now and do your work or you'll end up at McDonalds.
Varian: We're going to McDonald's if I don't do my work?!

Kallai: Can you relax?
Takeo, shaking with anger: Relax?! I’m perfectly relaxed. I could not be more relaxed right now.

Wren: You know, normal people see a monster and they run. But not us, no, no, no. We search out things that want to kill us. You know who does that? Crazy people!