forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@Williamnot group

Felix, left alone with a kid:
Felix: Say fuck.

Mel: Who gave Austin a knife?
Felix: He felt unsafe so I gave him a knife for protection.
Mel: Well now I feel unsafe.
Felix: Oh I'm sorry.
Felix: Would you like a knife too-

Mel: How many biscuits did you eat? Roughly?
Austin: I ate them all gently… :(

Felix: Would it be stupid if I-
Jarrod: Yes.

Austin: Accents are just mouth fonts.

@HighPockets group

Kate: Listen, I have about fourteen contacts in my phone and if you say that again I’ll have about thirteen

Ansel: Ol, can I go catch a movie tonight?
Oliver: I’m not your mom, kid, do whatever the hell you want.
Ansel: Okay see y-
Oliver: Be home by eleven, don’t talk to strangers and remember to look both ways before crossing the road.
Oliver: Here, ten bucks for popcorn

Geneva: You may not know this, Victor, but I am a flawed person-
Victor: I do know that.


((fair lmao and mood. i used to go when i scrounged up cash, cause my best friend(then) and i would really want to watch certain movies. also friendly reminder to everyone reading, sneak food in by all means, but dont throw your trash in their bins or you can get people fired))

@HighPockets group

Geneva: Listen, I have about fourteen contacts in my phone and if you say that again I’ll have about thirteen

Oscar: You may not know this, Anne, but I am a flawed person-
Anne: I do know that.

@threesacult group

Quill: Listen, I have about fourteen contacts in my phone and if you say that again I’ll have about thirteen

Quill: Anthony, can I go catch a movie tonight?
Anthony: I’m not your dad, kid, do whatever the hell you want.
Quill: Okay, see y-
Anthony: Be home by eleven, don’t talk to strangers and remember to look both ways before crossing the road.
Anthony: Here, ten bucks for popcorn

Deleted user

(why r people so obsessed with this page XD)

Negative (when shes drunk): Hey wanna make out
Mask: No.
Negative(still drunk): HaHa Me NeItHeR i WaNnA gO tO sLeEp fake snore

@threesacult group

Dally, left alone with a kid:
Dally: Say fuck.

Anthony: How many cookies did you eat? Roughly?
Cyrus: I ate them all gently… :(

Jack: Everything is edible, sometimes you just die when you eat it and that's on you.

Cyrus: You kill people for money?!
Jack: I can explain!
Cyrus: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like an idiot!

@Williamnot group

Austin: Everything is edible, sometimes you just die when you eat it and that's on you.

Felix: You kill people for money?!
Jarrod: I can explain!
Felix: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like an idiot!

Jarrod, before leaving Em: Are you nervous?
Em: Yes.
Jarrod: Is this your first time?
Em: No, I've been nervous before.
Jarrod: . . . I meant being left alone at home.

Jarrod: Barking Toad, straight ahead, by the oak!
Felix: Ash's tap-dancing thyroid gland! YOU TWO! GET BACK!
Austin, confused: What?
Jarrod: Shiaran Barking Toad! The most poisonous creature in the world! It'll let rip a cloud of toxins that'll kill anything if it's feeling threatened! Nothing short of a hazmat suit will help!
Austin: . . . Are you serious?
Felix: It's a lesser one, so situation's under control. Everyone step out of its immediate vicinity.
Austin, still confused: All right? I do not want to believe you, but I do.Em, step away from the frog.
Em: I would like to pet this creature.
Austin: Don't do that.
Em: It would be but a single boop on its noggin!
Austin: Do not boop that merry suicide bomber.
Em: I want to boop the snoot!
Austin: Stop wanting.
Em: But!!
Austin: STOP!
Austin: EMILY!
Austin: NO BOOPING!!
Jarrod and Austin: Screaming
Squeaky noise
Em: Ha ha ha! dies
Austin: dies

[Austin added Jarrod to the group]
Austin: Dad
Em: Dad
Mel: Dad
Austin: Dad
Mel: Dad
Em: Dad
Felix: Daddy
[Jarrod has left the group]

Jarrod: What was that?
Felix: My shirt fell down the stairs.
Jarrod: That sounded louder than a shirt.
Felix: I was in it.

Jarrod: . . . Are you okay?
Austin, face down on the floor: I'm having some me time.

Felix: Did you know that atoms never touch each other? And since we're made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives. So to answer your question, officer, no I did not punch that man.
The officer:

Austin: You ever feel like you're being watched?
Felix: All the time. When you look this good, you have to get used to it.

Jarrod: I’ve only known Austin and Em for a few days, but if anything happened to them, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.

Jarrod: To all the people saying they want to rail me-
Jarrod: I…I’m not a train?? I can’t do that???

Mel: You need to go to therapy.
Austin: Stop trusting everyone in my life? Try to control all my emotions?
Mel: No, you need to go to therapy.
Jack: Hide everything about myself to be mysterious!
Mel: Go. To. THERAPY.
Austin: Oh! Fall into a pit of paranoia!

Anyone: Do you prefer women or men?
Austin: I’d prefer death

Em: You think kindness doesn’t exist, you pathetic nihilist? How about you go look into the big beautiful eyes of a cow? What do you think now, asshole?
(Austin in the background: WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT WORD)

Mel: You ever wonder if you’re the bad guy in somebody else’s story?
Austin: You babbling fool, I'm the bad guy in my own story.

Felix, getting dragged away: Okay, I'm not going to pretend that I'm not here as a spy for a different cult-

Felix: Can you guys just TRY to see it from MY perspective?
Jarrod: [gets on knees]
Austin: [crouches down]
Felix: I will kill you both in your sleep.
Austin: No wonder you're so angry all the time, it sucks down here

Jarrod: If I die, I want you to carry my coffin.
Felix: Thanks.. I appreciate the senti-
Jarrod: So you can let me down one more time.

Felix: I got my license two years ago.
Jarrod: What? Why didn't you say anything?
Felix: I like being chauffeured around.
Felix: It makes me feel important.

Jarrod: It's important to be environmentally aware.
Em, pointing at the sky: That's a cloud.

Austin: Have I only been put on this earth to suffer?

Jarrod: “Felix, I’m going to say something that I’ve never said to you before.”
Felix: “Yeah?”
Jarrod: “You’re thinking too much. Now come on.”

Felix: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Jarrod: I'm pretending you're in jail.
Felix: Why?
Jarrod: It's spiritually healing.

Felix: Hey Jarrod, feel my shirt.
Felix: You know what material is that?
Jarrod: Cotton?
Felix: It's boyfriend material.
Jarrod: …Pretty sure that's cotton.

Jarrod: This is supposed to be a slow dance.
Felix: [does the macarena at 1/4 speed]

Felix: I've been dropping subtle hints that I like Jarrod, I don't get it.
Jarrod: Hey, cou-
Felix: I can't stand you.

@threesacult group

Elias: I've been dropping subtle hints that I like Quill for so long, and she's still not catching on. I don't get it.
Quill: Hey, cou-
Elias: I can't fucking stand you.

Cyrus: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Anthony: I'm pretending you're in jail.
Cyrus: Why?
Anthony: It's spiritually healing.

Dally: Hey Kane, feel my shirt.
Dally: You know what material that is?
Anthony: Cotton?
Dally: It's boyfriend material.
Anthony: …Pretty sure that's cotton.

Quill: You ever wonder if you’re the bad guy in somebody else’s story?
Jack: You babbling fool, I'm the bad guy in my own story.

Quill: Do you prefer women or men?
Dally: I prefer adrenaline

Love: You need to go to therapy.
Jack: Stop trusting everyone in my life? Try to control all my emotions?
Love: No, you need to go to therapy.
Jack: Hide everything about myself to be mysterious!
Love: Go. To. THERAPY.
Jack: Oh! Fall into a pit of paranoia!

@ElderGod-kirky group

resurfacing with new content

Harper: Psychological fact, people who are fascinated by serial killers were rated 70 times more interesting conversationalists compared to those who are not
Selena: And yet you still suck at carrying on a conversation

Tess, drunk and dangling upside down on the couch: We should be thankful that "anti-thunderstorms" with flashes of extreme darkness during the day followed by loud, high-pitch screeches, don't exist
Alexis: What the actual fuck
Kit: Actually no I wanna see that shit

Angel: Woah girl, are you from France 'cause maddamn
Tess: gags

Phoenix: Ah yes, the Trojan horse, or, as I like to call it, murderous piñata

Angel: Here's a concept. Me, riding your ceiling fan like a gargoyle. You, smacking me with a broom. Both of us are yelling
Tess: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Harper, on a research rabbit hole at 3am: "People run from rain but sit in bathtubs full of water." Wow Bukowski so profound. Do you also bathe fully clothed, you dickhead? "Oohh isn't it funny that a person will eat when they're hungry but will duck if you throw an apple at their face"

Kit: I may be trash, but I'm high quality trash. Premium trash. Grade A trash. The kind of trash your mom would look at and say "should this be recycling?" Yeah I'm that kind of trash.

Harper: Anything you say can and will be held against you so only say my name
Damien: dying
Selena: That's smooth as fuck holy shit

Harper: If you are so committed to being perfectly lawful that you cannot see the value of breaking a law to defend yourself or others, you're not good, you're obedient
Harper: This is coming from a thieving lawyer-wannabe. I speaketh the truth

Selena: The smell of Home Depot is cathartic
Selena: Faeries live in the lights & chandeliers section, gnomes live in the outdoor gardening department
Harper: Stop romanticizing Home Depot
Selena: Pixies live in the paint aisle. Fuck you

Ronan, flipping through one of his med school books: Based on genital structure, men should really be the ones wearing skirts and women should be wearing pants
Tess, sitting on a pile of more medical books: The Scots were right all along
Ronan: The Scots did it to hide more knives on their bodies
Tess: The Scots were right all along

Phonix: Having seaweed rub against you when you're swimming in the ocean is like having Satan slowly caress your legs and toes while smiling creepily at you and whispering "mayonnaise"
Damien: I feel so uncomfortable

Harper, on a drunken rant: There is nothing worse than hearing people attempt to sound intelligent by using lengthy words and MISUSING THEM
Selena, also drunk but supporting him: I completely photosynthesize with this

Angel: Ah yes, the three most historically important revolutions, the Russian, French, and Dance Dance

Damien, to Harper: The moon is proud of you
Selena: And so are the stars
Damien: And so is the sun
Phoenix: The aliens are watching you, a little confused about your life choices but are proud of you too

Angel: Why do Germans use smiles like this :) or this :0 if they already got Ü and Ö
Tess: I just texted my German cousin and she replied "WE DO NOT SMILE IN GERMANY"

Kasto, wearing a blanket as a cloak, stirring his mac'n'cheese in a dimly lit room: potion

Bast: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined
Kasto: Heck
Bast: You're on thin fucking ice
Bast: Oh no

Finley: Why door is shut? Stick paw under to solve mystery
Kasto: Paw under door did nothing. Next option: sit in front of door and SCREAM

Harper: As a procrastinating overachiever I feel like I don't necessarily "half-ass" things. It's more like a "3/4 ass." Like overall did I do pretty well? Yeah. Did I reach my maximum potential though? I think the fuck Not

Selena: Good morning
Damien: Good morning
Harper: You all sound like robots. Come on, spice it up a bit will you?
Phoenix: busts through door with a martini: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS

Tess: I hate how reward systems never work for me. Like I can't just say "if I finish this assignment I can have a cookie" because my brain is like "….or you could just have one right now" and I can't argue with that logic
Angel: Self-imposed deadlines don't work either because I know the guy who set them and he's full of shit

Damien, texting Selena in the middle of the night: My boyfriend—who is asleep—just rolled over, wrapped his arms around me, and very lovingly whispered "I want to murder you"
Selena: The important thing is she hasn't yet and that means she loves you

Ronan: When people are electrocuted and thrown far distances, it's a result of sudden and violent muscle contraction and not the result of the shock. This has rasied questions as to the actual strength and capabilities of the muscles in the human body
Tess: First of all, I know damn well it's four in the morning in Hawaii, go to bed. Second of all, are you telling me we are capable of yeeting ourselves when under extreme stress?

Tess: I asked my Italian father if the rough parts of Italy were called the spaghetto and he looked at me with so much shame

Ryker: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like "look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I'm losing"
Angel: Wow you are not ready to hear about trees

Harper: Half of me is a hopeless romantic and the other half of me is, well, an asshole

Damien: Am I the only one that finds it weird that I can trasnfer data from my brain to someone else's by opening my mouth and pushing air with vibrations in their direction?
Harper, concerned: How high are you?
Damien, deadpan: 6'6

Kit: The fact that the Russian language doesn't have articles makes me lose my mind. So when you ask someone "Где водка?" it translates to "where is the vodka?" But in my horrible backwards English brain, if I don't see any articles I assume they aren't there, so yelling "ГДЕ ВОДКА" translates to "WHERE VODKA" like some kind of drunken maniac who you definitely should not give vodka to
Kostya: Speaking as a Russian-Russian who speaks the language, even if Russians did have articles, they would still slam open the door yelling "WHERE VODKA" at all times

Kit, trying to spell something in French: uhhhhhh I think that's enough vowels
Ryker: Youe fooule… youe insouelente coweurde

@HighPockets group

Lyra: Psychological fact, people who are fascinated by serial killers were rated 70 times more interesting conversationalists compared to those who are not.
Dima: And yet you still suck at carrying on a conversation.

Lyra, drunk and dangling upside down on the couch: We should be thankful that "anti-thunderstorms" with flashes of extreme darkness during the day followed by loud, high-pitch screeches, don't exist
Trix: What the actual fuck.
Dima: Actually no, I wanna see that.

Max, a history major: Ah yes, the Trojan horse, or, as I like to call it, * the murder piñata*

Robin: Here's a concept. Me, riding your ceiling fan like a gargoyle. You, smacking me with a broom. Both of us are yelling
Titania: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Beck, on a research rabbit hole at 3am: "People run from rain but sit in bathtubs full of water." Wow, Bukowski so profound. Do you also bathe fully clothed, you dickhead? "Oohh isn't it funny that a person will eat when they're hungry but will duck if you throw an apple at their face-"

Oleander: I may be trash, but I'm high quality trash. Premium trash. Grade A trash. The kind of trash your mom would look at and say "should this be recycling?" Yeah, I'm that kind of trash.

Nich: If you are so committed to being perfectly lawful that you cannot see the value of breaking a law to defend yourself or others, you're not good, you're obedient
Nich: This is coming from a thief. I speak the truth.

Harper: The smell of Home Depot is cathartic
Harper: Faeries live in the lights & chandeliers section, gnomes live in the outdoor gardening department
Beck: Stop romanticizing Home Depot
Harper: Pixies live in the paint aisle. Fuck you

Victor, flipping through one of his med school books: Based on genital structure, males should really be the ones wearing skirts and females should be wearing pants.
Geneva, sitting on a pile of more medical books: The Scots were right all along.
Victor: The Scots did it to hide more knives on their bodies.
Geneva: The Scots were right all along.

Robin: Having seaweed rub against you when you're swimming in the ocean is like having Hemlock slowly caress your legs and toes while smiling creepily at you and whispering "mayonnaise"
Oberon: I feel so uncomfortable

Frankie, on a drunken rant: There is nothing worse than hearing people attempt to sound intelligent by using lengthy words and MISUSING THEM
Barry, completely sober: I photosynthesize with this

Jackson: Ah yes, the three most historically important revolutions, the Russian, French, and Dance Dance.

Harper, wearing a blanket as a cloak, stirring her mac'n'cheese in a dimly lit room: Potion.

Jackson: As a procrastinating overachiever I feel like I don't necessarily "half-ass" things. It's more like a "3/4 ass." Like overall did I do pretty well? Yeah. Did I reach my maximum potential though? I think the fuck not.

Victor: When people are electrocuted and thrown far distances, it's a result of sudden and violent muscle contraction and not the result of the shock. This has raised questions as to the actual strength and capabilities of the muscles in the human body.
Alice: First of all, I know damn well it's four in the morning in Wisconsin, go to bed. Second of all, are you telling me we are capable of yeeting ourselves when under extreme stress?

Della: I asked my Italian mother if the rough parts of Italy were called the spaghetto and she looked at me with so much shame

Vince: Half of me is a hopeless romantic and the other half of me is, well, an asshole

@Williamnot group

Felix: Psychological fact, people who are fascinated by serial killers were rated 70 times more interesting conversationalists compared to those who are not
Jarrod: And yet you still suck at carrying on a conversation

Felix: Ah yes, the Trojan horse, or, as I like to call it, murderous piñata

Austin: Here's a concept. Me, riding your ceiling fan like a gargoyle. You, smacking me with a broom. Both of us are yelling
Mel: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Mel: I may be trash, but I'm high quality trash. Premium trash. Grade A trash. The kind of trash your mom would look at and say "should this be recycling?" Yeah I'm that kind of trash.

Jarrod: If you are so committed to being perfectly lawful that you cannot see the value of breaking a law to defend yourself or others, you're not good, you're obedient
Jarrod: This is coming from a thieving lawyer-wannabe. I speaketh the truth

Austin: The smell of Home Depot is cathartic
Austin: Faeries live in the lights & chandeliers section, gnomes live in the outdoor gardening department
Mel: Stop romanticizing Home Depot
Austin: Pixies live in the paint aisle. Fuck you

Mel: Based on genital structure, men should really be the ones wearing skirts and women should be wearing pants
Austin: The Scots were right all along
Jarrod: The Scots did it to hide more knives on their bodies
Austin: The Scots were right all along

Austin: Ah yes, the three most historically important revolutions, the Russian, French, and Dance Dance

Em, to Austin: The moon is proud of you
Mel: And so are the stars
Felix And so is the sun
Jarrod: The aliens are watching you, a little confused about your life choices but are proud of you too

Mel: Why do Germans use emojis like this :) or this :0 if they already got Ü and Ö
Mel: I just texted my German cousin and she replied "WE DO NOT SMILE IN GERMANY"

Austin, wearing a blanket as a cloak, stirring his mac'n'cheese in a dimly lit room: poshun

Mel: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined
Austin: Heck
Mel: You're on thin fucking ice
Mel: Oh no

Em: Why door is shut? Stick paw under to solve mystery
Em: Paw under door did nothing. Next option: sit in front of door and SCREAM

Austin: As a procrastinating overachiever I feel like I don't necessarily "half-ass" things. It's more like a "3/4 ass." Like overall did I do pretty well? Yeah. Did I reach my maximum potential though? I think the fuck Not

Em: Good morning
Jarrod: Good morning
Austin: You all sound like robots. Come on, spice it up a bit will you?
Felix: busts through door with a martini: MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS
Austin: Forget I said anything.

Mel: I hate how reward systems never work for me. Like I can't just say "if I finish this assignment I can have a cookie" because my brain is like "….or you could just have one right now" and I can't argue with that logic
Austin: Self-imposed deadlines don't work either because I know the guy who set them and he's full of shit

Jarrod, texting Austin in the middle of the night: My boyfriend—who is asleep—just rolled over, wrapped his arms around me, and very lovingly whispered "I want to murder you"
Austin: The important thing is he hasn't yet and that means he loves you

Jarrod working overtime: When people are electrocuted and thrown far distances, it's a result of sudden and violent muscle contraction and not the result of the shock. This has raised questions as to the actual strength and capabilities of the muscles in the human body
Austin: First of all, I know damn well it's four in the morning in Hawaii, go to bed. Second of all, are you telling me we are capable of yeeting ourselves when under extreme stress?

Mel: I asked my father if the rough parts of Italy were called the spaghetto and he looked at me with so much shame

Felix: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like "look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I'm losing"
Austin: Wow you are not ready to hear about trees

Felix: Half of me is a hopeless romantic and the other half of me is, well, an asshole

Felix: Am I the only one that finds it weird that I can transfer data from my brain to someone else's by opening my mouth and pushing air with vibrations in their direction?
Jarrod, concerned: How high are you?
Felix, deadpan: 5'7

Jarrod: The fact that the Russian language doesn't have articles makes me lose my mind. So when you ask someone "Где водка?" it translates to "where is the vodka?" But in my horrible backwards English brain, if I don't see any articles I assume they aren't there, so yelling "ГДЕ ВОДКА" translates to "WHERE VODKA" like some kind of drunken maniac who you definitely should not give vodka to
Felix: Speaking as someone who knows Russians and who speaks the language, even if Russians did have articles, they would still slam open the door yelling "WHERE VODKA" at all times

Jarrod, trying to spell something in French: uhhhhhh I think that's enough vowels
Felix: Youe fooule… youe insouelente coweurde

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Teigi: Psychological fact, people who are fascinated by serial killers were rated 70 times more interesting conversationalists compared to those who are not.
Peregrine: And yet you still suck at carrying on a conversation.

Azami, drunk and dangling upside down on the couch: We should be thankful that "anti-thunderstorms" with flashes of extreme darkness during the day followed by loud, high-pitch screeches, don't exist
Nami: What the actual fuck.
Sanji: Actually no, I wanna see that.
Considering the weather in the New World, that could be a thing on some island somewhere

Estella: Ah yes, the Trojan horse, or, as I like to call it, * the murder piñata*

Estella: Here's a concept. Me, riding your ceiling fan like a gargoyle. You, smacking me with a broom. Both of us are yelling
Peregrine: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Cavendish: I may be trash, but I'm high quality trash. Premium trash. Grade A trash. The kind of trash your mom would look at and say "should this be recycling?" Yeah, I'm that kind of trash.

Nami: If you are so committed to being perfectly lawful that you cannot see the value of breaking a law to defend yourself or others, you're not good, you're obedient
Nami: This is coming from a thief. I speak the truth.

Jax, flipping through one of her medical books: Based on genital structure, males should really be the ones wearing skirts and females should be wearing pants.
Penguin, sitting on a pile of more medical books: The Scots were right all along.
Shachi: The Scots did it to hide more knives on their bodies.
Penguin: The Scots were right all along.

Estella: Having seaweed rub against you when you're swimming in the ocean is like having Satan slowly caress your legs and toes while smiling creepily at you and whispering "mayonnaise"
Mihawk: I feel so uncomfortable

Robin, on a drunken rant: There is nothing worse than hearing people attempt to sound intelligent by using lengthy words and MISUSING THEM
Zoro, completely sober: I photosynthesize with this

Azami: Ah yes, the three most historically important revolutions, the Russian, French, and Dance Dance.

Azami, wearing a blanket as a cloak, stirring her mac'n'cheese in a dimly lit room: Potion.

Cavendish: Half of me is a hopeless romantic and the other half of me is, well, an asshole

@HighPockets group

Nich: I may be trash, but I'm high quality trash. Premium trash. Grade A trash. The kind of trash your mom would look at and say "should this be recycling?" Yeah, I'm that kind of trash.

Beck: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined.
Cora: Heck
Beck: You're on thin goddamn ice-
Beck: Oh no.

Adam: Why door is shut? Stick paw under to solve mystery
Adam: Paw under door did nothing. Next option: sit in front of door and SCREAM
Yes that's technically an Incorrect Quote for a cat, no I am not accepting criticism

Aristotle: Good morning.
Miette: Good morning.
Nathaniel: Good morning.
Erik: You all sound like robots. Come on, spice it up a bit will you?
Douglas, bursting through door with a martini: MORNING, MOTHERFUCKERS!
Erik: Forget I said anything.

Jackson: I hate how reward systems never work for me. Like I can't just say "if I finish this assignment I can have a cookie" because my brain is like "….or you could just have one right now" and I can't argue with that logic
Jackson: Self-imposed deadlines don't work either because I know the guy who set them and he's full of shit

Portia: Half of me is a hopeless romantic and the other half of me is, well, an asshole

@Starfast group

Andor: Why would anyone willingly go to church?
Jackie: Free wine.

Kit: We can never let anyone know that we got beat up by Caleb.
Leo: Agreed.
Kit: Take it to the grave?
Leo: To the grave.
Kit: This conversation never happened.
Leo: I don't even know who you are.
Kit: …That's hurtful, you took it too far.
Leo: That's a weird thing for a stranger to say.

Milo: Truth or dare?
Taven: Truth.
Milo: I dare you to kiss Keyla.
Taven: Alright, fine.
Farli: He didn't even say dare though??

Andor: I hate when Ara says, "Are you even listening to me?" It's such a random way to start a conversation…

Ara: There is nothing worse than hearing people attempt to sound intelligent by using lengthy words and MISUSING THEM
Andor: I photosynthesize with this.

Jackie: I may be trash, but I'm high quality trash. Premium trash. Grade A trash. The kind of trash your mom would look at and say "should this be recycling?" Yeah, I'm that kind of trash.

Crispin: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like "look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I'm losing"
Kit: Wow you are not ready to hear about trees

Cal: Good morning
Savona: Good morning
Keyla: You all sound like robots. Come on, spice it up a bit will you?
Milo: *busts through door with a martini* MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS
Keyla: Forget I said anything.

Dallas: As a procrastinating overachiever I feel like I don't necessarily "half-ass" things. It's more like a "3/4 ass." Like overall did I do pretty well? Yeah. Did I reach my maximum potential though? I think the fuck Not

Dallas, trying to spell something in French: uhhhhhh I think that's enough vowels
Ara: Youe fooule… youe insouelente coweurde

Leo: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined
Crispin: Heck
Leo: You're on thin fucking ice
Leo: Oh no

Crispin, left alone with a kid:
Crispin: Say fuck.

Milo: You may not know this, Garzlan, but I am a flawed person-
Garzlan: I do know that.

Andor: Would it be stupid if I-
Ara: Yes.

Deleted user

Vozreal: I may be trash, but I'm high quality trash. Premium trash. Grade A trash. The kind of trash your mom would look at and say "should this be recycling?" Yeah, I'm that kind of trash.

Vozreal: If you are so committed to being perfectly lawful that you cannot see the value of breaking a law to defend yourself or others, you're not good, you're obedient
Vozreal: This is coming from a demon. I speak the truth.

Vozreal, flipping through one of his medical books: Based on genital structure, males should really be the ones wearing skirts and females should be wearing pants.
Allison, sitting on a pile of more medical books: The Scots were right all along.
Azrael: The Scots did it to hide more knives on their bodies.
Rachel: The Scots were right all along.

Allison: The fact that the Russian language doesn't have articles makes me lose my mind. So when you ask someone "Где водка?" it translates to "where is the vodka?" But in my horrible backwards English brain, if I don't see any articles I assume they aren't there, so yelling "ГДЕ ВОДКА" translates to "WHERE VODKA" like some kind of drunken maniac who you definitely should not give vodka to
Vozreal: Speaking as someone who knows Russians and who speaks the language, even if Russians did have articles, they would still slam open the door yelling "WHERE VODKA" at all times

@Williamnot group

Mel: Why would anyone willingly go to church?
Austin: Free wine.

Jarrod: We can never let anyone know that we got beat up by Austin.
Felix: Agreed.
Jarrod: Take it to the grave?
Felix: To the grave.
Jarrod: This conversation never happened.
Felix: I don't even know who you are.
Jarrod: …That's hurtful, you took it too far.
Felix: That's a weird thing for a stranger to say.

Austin: Truth or dare?
Felix: Truth.
Austin: I dare you to kiss Jarrod.
Felix: Alright, fine.
Em: He didn't even say dare though??

Felix: I hate when Jarrod says, "Are you even listening to me?" It's such a random way to start a conversation…