Vozreal, walking into an art museum: I'm here to donate myself.
Vozreal: How long does your ideal hug last?
Allison: Thirty to forty-five minutes.
Vozreal: That seems impractical.
Allison: You said ideal, not realistic.
Allison, drunk: Why don't we just put all of the ocean water into a cup, clean out the bottom, and then pour it back?
Vozreal, also drunk: I don't know, that's a lot of water, babe. We might need two cups.
Vozreal: There are no rules in this world, just expectations that have punishments for not meeting them.
Allison: I swear to God- Stop. Murdering. Everyone. We've been over this.
Azrael: I like my men how I like my coffee
Azrael: [sips beer]
Allison, pushing on a pull door: It's not opening!
Vozreal, filming her: You just need to push harder!
Allison: What is Hellyn to you?
Azrael: Hellyn… she's the reason I wake up in the morning.
Allison: Awe, how sweet.
Azrael: haha yeah
[earlier that morning]
Hellyn, kicking open Azrael's bedroom door: AZRAEL! AZRAEL! AZRAEL WAKE UP! WAKE UP! THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE AGAIN!
Vozreal: I've learned some valuable lessons from this.
Allison: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions of the lessons you should have taken away.
Vozreal: Death isn't real and I'm god.
Azrael: Is Vozreal ever normal?
Allison: Nope
Azrael: Not even when he's asleep?
Allison: No, he's the craziest in bed.
Azrael, choking: I'm sorry, WHAT?
Allison: Get your mind out of the gutter. He sleep fights, crazy right?
Azrael: We're out of snacks.
Allison, aggressively pointing at herself: I'M LITERALLY STANDING RIGHT HERE\
Vozreal: Not wearing a labcoat so the other scientists know I'm a whore.
Allison: Only wearing a labcoat so the other scientists know I’m a whore.
Azrael: Kicking both of you out of the lab because someone's got to uphold lab safety rules.
Allison, being kidnapped: Will I need my toothbrush?
Kidnapper: Shut up.
Allison: I'm assuming that means you're providing the toothbrush.