@ElderGod-kirky group
She scrambled up and grabbed his arm. "You're going to have to trust me."
She scrambled up and grabbed his arm. "You're going to have to trust me."
"Never said I didn't, but what's going on?"
"Cin and I have a concert today. In like, half an hour." She brought him closer to the edge, peering down and judging the distance.
"You know, you don't have to throw me off the edge, right? I have wings now."
"This is faster. And I'll catch you." She winked. "Consider it a trust fall." And with that, she threw him off the cliff, jumping off right after him.
He just let himself go limp, watching her as he fell.
The wind whipped through her hair as she positioned herself within arm's reach from him, tucking in her wings tight against her back. A couple more feet.
He tilted his head, ignoring his dragon screaming at him to use his own wings.
Now. She grabbed him by his waist, holding him tight, and snapped open her wings. The wind caught in her wings lurched them up, then she was speeding along treetops with her wings opened wide, keeping a hold of Runner.
"Good catch!" he said over the wind.
She ginned down at him, but quickly returned her attention to her wings and the land below them. "I've been practicing!" Flocks of birds flew by, disturbed by their appearance.
"With what?"
"Other falling people. Hold on." She weaved between some especially tall trees, then they passed the forest and reached the edge of the city.
He snorted. "Where are we even going?"
"HQ" She glided over the city, people looking up and waving as they passed. On the right was a large three story mansion with a symbol that had the two letters M and V overlapping. She aimed for its equally large backyard.
He smiled slightly as they landed, taking a step back. "You were awake the whole time, weren't you?"
She stretched out her arms and wings as she answered. "I woke up a little bit after Cin named you ambassador, but was too lazy to get up."
"Not too lazy to cover your face with a wing so I couldn't see your eyes."
She shrugged. "Convenient placing."
He snorted, then looked around. "Alright, what's so important here?"
"I gotta change!" She drug him through the back door and into the mansion. They entered what looked to be the main gathering place, as multiple people where sitting around and conversing. Other members of the Vanguard. Tess ignored them and pulled him upstairs, taking two at a time. "The concert is in the Isic empire, and a lot of people will be there, including the empress. She's one of the few rulers I respect."
(I'm gonna have to go soon)
"By concert, you mean, like, singing and shit?"
"Singing, dancing, being an overall showoff." She found her room and pulled him in, closing the door and walking into her closet to find a suitable outfit. This bedroom was much neater and had more personality. Band posters were hung on the wall–Five Finger Death Punch, Set It Off, and Bad Wolves were a few. A high-tech, futuristic computer with a mic hooked up to it sat on a cluttered desk. Headphones were tossed on the corner of her bed. A bottle of half-finished wine was on her bedside table. A giant stuffed teddy bear was sitting next to her pillows on her bed.
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