@ElderGod-kirky group
She stalked around him, inspecting his form. "Just so you know, you're basically going to have to use every muscle in your body, from shoulders to ass to legs, to use them, right? And pick them up from off the ground."
She stalked around him, inspecting his form. "Just so you know, you're basically going to have to use every muscle in your body, from shoulders to ass to legs, to use them, right? And pick them up from off the ground."
He moved them around lightly, getting used to the movements. "Well, let's hope the learning curve is a tight one. Dad never got around to teaching this."
"I'll help you. I'm not the most agile flier–that's Cin–but I do know my way around the skies." She lightly brushed her fingers against his membranous wings. ((should they be super sensitive? Like a bat's wings?))
He shivered slightly, pulling the wing back. "That feels weird."
She pulled back. "Sorry. My wings are covered with scales, so they're not sensitive. May I? I need to see how strong they are…"
He nodded, stretching the wing back out.
She lightly touched the wing, testing the muscles and occasionally telling him to move it a certain way while she felt the muscles at work. Satisfied, she stepped back. "They look good. Sorry, I tried to be quick."
"Your hands are freezing," he said, hugging his wings close to his body.
She smiled, amused. "Actually, as I have an organ in my body that is basically filled with fire, I'm naturally hotter than the average person. Take that how you will."
He shrugged, his wings still tight on his back.
She summoned her own scaled wings, using similar slits in her shirt as Runner, and opened them wide. "Ready? Takeoff's the hardest part."
"Probably not, but let's do it, I guess." He spread his wings out like she did, although they were much smaller and thinner.
"Okay, I'm going to go first so I can catch you if you fall, alright? So pay close attention." She backed up, then broke out into a run, flapping her wings to create an updraft. She pushed herself up with her legs, beating her wings even harder to pull her body up into the air. Soon enough, she was hovering over Runner, waiting. "Your turn."
"Oh, yeah, you get to see my dazzling 40 yard dash." He did the same as her, flapping his wings nearly double the speed she did and jumping into the air. He seemed to bobble up and down for a moment, but his feet never touched the ground. "Huh," he said. "It's easier than I thought."
She swooped below him. "Good, now you're in the air. Go due North at a 45 degree angle. I'll stay below you just in case you get into some trouble."
He turned to where he thought north was and began climbing, his thin wings feeling the heat of the noon sun.
Tess chuckled and guided him to where north was. The noon heat also beat down on her, stirring the beast inside and making her skin smolder. Not now, she thought miserably. Why does it have to be noon now?
He sighed, starting to sweat. "How close are we?"
"Another mile," she said, struggling to keep from bursting into flame. I need to let off some steam. Lower my power level. But Runner. She glanced up at him when he wasn't looking. I don't want to just ditch him because of my needs. It wouldn't be fair.
"This is…a whole lot more…work than I thought…"
She looked up at him, concerned. "You're not gonna fall, are you?" She glided effortlessly with her large wings, catching the wind and holding her weight easier than him.
He shook his head. "I'll be…fine…"
"Are you sure…?" She looked at her surroundings. "Not too much longer."
"I may…take a nap when we get there…"
She smiled. "Me too." A few minutes later, they reached an isolated cliff upon a mountain, overlooking the entire city they were in. The high altitude made the air cooler, the light mist clinging to their bodies and clothes. She showed him how to land–spreading his wings to slow his decent, then tilting his body so his legs hit the ground before his face.
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