@ElderGod-kirky group
Tess looked up and beamed at him. "Look at you! You clean up nicely." She looked to Cinthia for confirmation and Cin just rolled her eyes and said "yeah."
Tess looked up and beamed at him. "Look at you! You clean up nicely." She looked to Cinthia for confirmation and Cin just rolled her eyes and said "yeah."
He shrugged. "So, like, is there anyone there who'll be able to tell who I am? Like, sense the demon in my and try to attack?"
Tessa flapped a hand. "The Isic are peaceful people–they just got out of captivity, so they likely won't start anything. You've met June, right? But I doubt they'd be able to sense your demonic side. Not their area of expertise."
He rubbed his face. "Since I'm an ambassador now, will I have to be introduced?"
Cinthia sighed and grabbed both of them. "You two can talk some other time. Right now, we got a concert to go to." Without warning, she brought them into absolute darkness. Within seconds, however, the found themselves on the outskirts of a large crowd next to a stage outside. "Here we are." She beckoned for Tess as she walked backstage, unnoticed.
Tess smiled at Runner and kissed his cheek. "I actually wanted you to see that I did this, so I guess good timing, right? I have to go, but feel free to wander around."
He blinked a couple times, then smiled. "Alright, I guess. Where should I go when it ends?"
She hooked a thumb to where Cinthia was hopping up the stairs to the stage behind the curtain. "Backstage. Or at least close to it. We'll meet with you there."
He nodded. "Alright. Try not to die."
She grinned and winked. "I'll try not to." She jogged over to the stairs and jumped up them just in time. On the loud speakers, a male voice announced their presence. The crowd cheered, and Tessa walked through the curtain with an exaggerated swagger and a wide smile. The crowd got even louder. She stopped at the edge and spread her arms. "Are you ready, ladies and gentlemen?!" The crowd cheered. "That's what I thought! Let's go!"
Music started playing, and Tessa did her opening solo, dancing with her whole body while she sang, never missing a beat and never running out of breath. Two backup dancers joined her, but she was center stage.
((I'm not actually going to make up songs, just briefly narrate what happens at the concert))
((Yeah, imao
Runner winced at how loud the noise was, inflaming his already horrible headaches to new heights. It didn't help that so many people were there with magic. He began to weave his way between the people, heading for an exit and some fresh air.
A small tap on his shoulder.
He turned around, wincing at a particularly loud strike on the snare drum.
It was tiny Junia. She jerked her head to the side and led him out of the crowd and towards the main road.
He sighed. "Thank you for that. Tess dragged me out here."
She smiled as she kept walking down the road, leading him to her jewelry shop. "She's proud of what she and Cinthia do. She loves it, and wanted to share that with you." She tapped her head and looked up at him. "I guess she didn't realize just how bad it'd get for you."
He rubbed his eyes. "Yeah. Just too much stuff going on at once."
She ushered him into her shop, pressing her palm against the wall to alter the building so he wouldn't hit his head. "I can probably make you some earpieces to help you with that. I studied the diagrams and made some prototypes in my free-type." She sat on a swivel stool and picked up a ring she had set down, picking back up from where she left off.
"I'd prefer to get used to it, but that doesn't seem like an option."
She stuck her tongue out as she fiddled with the ring. "I'm not perfect, so I could purposely make it less in quality so you can still get used to the magic while not harming your mind from the intensity of it."
"That would help." He sighed, shaking his head. "She guilt-tripped me into this, and I let her. Now I gotta go boss people around, and I'm not good at that."
Junia set down the ring and patted a chair next to her while she got up and walked around her workshop, gathering metals and papers. "What exactly did Cinthia say you were to do?"
"Be an 'ambassador.' She's just using it as a euphemism for police."
She chuckled. "I think that's just an excuse to make you stick around–for Tess's sake. You'll end up BSing everything." She tapped the table thoughtfully. "Policing multiple peoples is impossible. They have their own rules that they follow."
He sighed. "I'm just apprehensive about staying somewhere. I've been moving my whole life, seeing everything, not having to worry about if I see that one person I don't like today or looking good for someone that I will."
She raised a brow "You make that sound like you're worrying about it now."
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