@ElderGod-kirky group
"I just wish I didn't have to do all this workaround shit and could just tell her."
"Then tell her. That's still making the first move." She sighed, wishing she hadn't brought up the subject. Even though she and Archer were doing well, they had grown up together, so they had been far more comfortable with admitting their feelings. She wasn't cut out for relationship advice.
He sighed again, clasping his hands behind his back again.
"The concert's almost over. You should head back. Don't forget the necklace."
He nodded, grabbing it from where he had set it down. "Thank you, again. Hope I wasn't too much of a pain."
"Nah, you're fine. I work with worse." She thought about how many times she had to yell and Tessa for causing mini explosions in her workshop and suppressed a smile.
He walked up the stairs and out the door, pocketing the necklace as he entered into the backstage area.
Cinthia was sitting on a stack of crates, bent over and icing her leg. Again, she was glistening with sweat with a towel draped around her neck. She didn't notice Runner.
He walked over and tapped her shoulder. "Seen Tess?"
"Finishing up her last bit." She winced as she flexed her leg and went back to icing it.
He nodded. "How you feeling?"
"Pulled a muscle. I'll be fine." She leaned back, tossing the ice onto a nearby crate. "Go on any exciting adventures while you were gone?"
"Well, Junia made Tess this for me, so I wouldn't get my ass beat," he said, pulling out the necklace.
Cinthia looked up at it. "Beautiful as always. She really went all out with this one, though." She nodded. "She definitely saved your ass with that one."
"I could barely think, my head hurt so bad."
"Figured. I'm sure Tess will understand." She rolled her shoulders. "She's coming." With that, Cinthia got up and went into a separate room, still backstage but away from him and the approaching Tessa.
He winced as he saw the look on her face.
She marched right up to him and got into his face, jabbing a finger into his chest as she spoke. "Where the hell were you?!"
"My head was hurting too bad, Tess. Too much magic all in one area. I could barely think."
She narrowed her eyes, but didn't say anything. She didn't back away either. She sighed and looked away. "You couldn't at least stay for one bit?"
"No, cause I was too busy getting you this," he said, showing the necklace.
Her eyes widened at the sight of the necklace. "You… It's beautiful," she breathed. She hesitantly reached up to brush her fingers over it. "What the hell did that cost?"
He shrugged. "Junia said it was on someone's tab. Don't remember who."
"Of course Shorty made it," she said, a little more bitterly than she intended.
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