forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 198 followers


krita got a new update that i somehow missed despite specifically signing up for their email list and now I have just the tools i needed to create my impasto-style brushes :DDDDD
hopefully this will fix the bundles glitch too so I can share them

@Pickles group


oh my God I spent way too long figuring out how to do it and then I kind of got carried away with the flyaways, I'm glad it looks good awkward smile

@Pickles group

That's like, halfway to Nutella status!

Bull thanks
I may or may not have pestered her until I got all the details of how the feck she does it-

@Pickles group

Weren't we talking about her a few months back? I remember somebody posting the reference picture you used.

Yeah, Lily posted it on the aesthetically pleasing people chat and I stole it she's so pretty??


Weren't we talking about her a few months back? I remember somebody posting the reference picture you used.

Yeah, Lily posted it on the aesthetically pleasing people chat and I stole it she's so pretty??

she isss i'm in love with her no romo


@Vinegar-Cucumber her cheek is way too flat, like shes been starving - girls tend to have rounder softer cheeks. Also her right eye is wonkier than the left one. The jaw line is weirdly straight and the cheek shading stops awkwardly midway the jaw like - these are things i found wrong with ur drawing, in case u were still wondering what was wrong about it :'D i suggest looking up photos in that angle to be able to see the issues and correct them ^^

Other than that, it looks incredibly good O.O
Great job, and hope my pointers helped :'D

@Pickles group

@Vinegar-Cucumber her cheek is way too flat, like shes been starving - girls tend to have rounder softer cheeks. Also her right eye is wonkier than the left one. The jaw line is weirdly straight and the cheek shading stops awkwardly midway the jaw like - these are things i found wrong with ur drawing, in case u were still wondering what was wrong about it :'D i suggest looking up photos in that angle to be able to see the issues and correct them ^^
Hope it helped :'D

It did, thanks!

@Pickles group

this is such a weird compliment but your ability to shade noses and make them not look like a dogs' is just-
i could never
11/10 impressed

👀 Your noses do not look like dogs'