forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Starfast group

high-key wanna do that with my own characters can you give me your frosting recipe?

3 3/4 cups of icing sugar
3 tbs meringue powder
1/4 water
Food colouring (optional)

  • mix the dry ingredients together
  • with the mixer on low, add in the water
  • mix for 10 minutes on low, add more water as needed (should be about the same consistency as toothpaste)
  • Add in the food colouring (I used Americolour gel brand for mine)

That will give you the right icing for the piping borders. To make the flood icing, you just add more water into the icing with the mixer on low until the icing is runny (When drizzled back on itself the ribbon of icing should disappear in 10-12 seconds).


Bare a pop opera? I've seen that!
(Also "See me" is my favorite song from it, not that anyone cares)

did you see it live?

No, it was a bootleg. I don't have the money to see it live or any way of travel, and I don't live in a place where too many plays/musicals show.


Bare a pop opera? I've seen that!
(Also "See me" is my favorite song from it, not that anyone cares)

did you see it live?

No, it was a bootleg. I don't have the money to see it live or any way of travel, and I don't live in a place where too many plays/musicals show.

oh. yeah i saw a bootleg too (la cast with captions, it got taken down :( )
i still haven't seen the musical version though

@HighPockets group

Because I'm currently lacking the ability to do anything other than basic sketches @PatienceKills

;-; he's so cute!!!


Hello fellas I am here with my one artwork for the year that i actually like xD Took me a whole day to do and a lot of experimenting but i got it done and i'm quite proud of it!


This is just a wip but I tried experimenting with a more realistic look and I really like it