forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@saor_illust school

hi i'm not back but i just made something i'm pretty proud of how it turned out, for the most part
so take some izzy art
and i will go disappear again

Deleted user

Drew this… (had fun drawing Wren on her pijamas…)

Deleted user

Skrrt skrrt He flyin' lmao

(The colors are kinda painful to look at because it was for a prompt I did – which was… well… "color". So… it's colorful. Painfully colorful.)

Deleted user

Actually, I think the colors do go well together in this case, and really cute btw!!!

Deleted user

Is that Ninten

Yes. Yes. Yes, that is he :)

Actually, I think the colors do go well together in this case, and really cute btw!!!

Well, I'm glad you think so. For the skateboard stickers it was kinda hard to make each one stand out even if they were overlapped a little, so I'm surprised you like the colors, honestly. But… yeah. Color.


@CoffeeBean , by the way, in your attack you listed Nix as a simple shaped character instead of a bust, so you didn't get as many points as you could have

@PaperHats business

(Ah I know but I didn’t want to have to reupload it. Was the first attack I ever did so I was still getting the hang of it. Honestly I’m not in it for points, I just wanted to draw him lol. I fixed up the other ones I did though)

@Katastrophic group

Lots of good art so far this week!
I got some progress of my own, a whole 4 more character refs done! Now I just need to finish the last 4, do the supporting side characters, finish the script… q.q
I'm just happy to finally settle on a hair design for the guys that doesn't look too dumb

No idea why Ki's showing up so small, oh well.