forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 198 followers


@Remy I'm always blown away by how smooth your lineart is?? 1 single smooth line costs me 2 blood sacrifices heartache and here you are, with lines so crisp and sharp they could kill a man

its so hard trying to draw this stuff man


@Remy I'm always blown away by how smooth your lineart is?? 1 single smooth line costs me 2 blood sacrifices heartache and here you are, with lines so crisp and sharp they could kill a man

its so hard trying to draw this stuff man

and you're absolutely killing it

@soupnana group

Why hello there folks! Long time no see! Sorry I’ve been gone for so long, but I just haven’t gotten around to popping by! But don’t worry I’m back for a minute to give you guys some of my art. If anyone watches a lot of Minecraft Speed running youll know Dream, George, and Sapnap.

So yeah here. Purple pandas

@soupnana group

I know I saw a really amazing compilation of all the the stupid little faces he made whenever someone would swear on accident during MCC
Thank you!!! I really enjoy drawing them. Shameless plug: you guys are free to follow me on Twitter at Souper_Nana or my Instagram at soup.nana

Deleted user

:O I never thought i'd meet another Dream fannnnn!!! Ayeeee!!! (LOVE the art!!!!!!))

@soupnana group

Awww you guys are so sweet!
Because of your kindness here’s some bonus art haha

also I realized a couple days ago what a large percentage of Dreams fan base are girls and I wonder if that makes him or his girlfriend uncomfortable 😂