forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Katastrophic group

eee art! @Coffee that is gorgeous!

(The wind is killing me outside)

The wind has no chance to kill me, for I am already frozen solid. I need to draw something warm lol


I accidentally created a new oc, his name is Damien, hes a baby vampire whose face is cracked qvq




well, tbh, besides practicing there's not much else u can do. Its not like u find a tutorial so good u suddenly get better, but it takes time to get used to it. Use references if you want to imprive faster, the more u use them the better

I have proof that you can improve fast by working more and harder
This is a drawing from when i started highschool, during 10th grade
The other one was done this week

@Katastrophic group

in the interest of old art

This one is from 2016 I think? I remember it took me several days to do. Look at those magic hand hiding abilities I used to have…
I would do a redraw of her but I got too many others I need to draw rn. If you want I have ones that are way more cringy, this was the best of that time tbh


Yuri Plisetky as Heather Chandler because…it’s kind of an inside joke
My friend and I were looking at Yuri!!! on Ice stuff during computer yesterday, and we found a picture where the Yuuri, Victor, and Yurio (Yuri Plisetsky if you don’t watch the show) were wearing scrunchies, and yurio was wearing red and I said he was heather chandler

@Katastrophic group

lmao ur old art is better than my art now

Thanks lol, that was when I was in high school and decided to do art seriously. I was lucky to have such supportive parents about it, they sat me down and basically said "If you really want to do this you need to work hard and be serious about practicing and stuff" so I got into lots of art classes and started drawing every day. Age old advice of practice, but you certainly don't get better by not practicing.

Some unsolicited advice for anyone who wants to "get good fast," via an old teacher, is to stop making 'masterpieces'. She told me to stop doing full drawings that took days and focus on studies. I have a notebook just of faces and eyes and such that all look like unfinished sketches, but I learned so much about anatomy from it. I still do studies and sketches of random faces or hands to warm up before I do actual work, even now the page open on my tablet is just sketches with some loose color thrown on top.

@Anemone eco

Thanks lol, that was when I was in high school and decided to do art seriously. I was lucky to have such supportive parents about it, they sat me down and basically said "If you really want to do this you need to work hard and be serious about practicing and stuff" so I got into lots of art classes and started drawing every day. Age old advice of practice, but you certainly don't get better by not practicing.

Some unsolicited advice for anyone who wants to "get good fast," via an old teacher, is to stop making 'masterpieces'. She told me to stop doing full drawings that took days and focus on studies. I have a notebook just of faces and eyes and such that all look like unfinished sketches, but I learned so much about anatomy from it. I still do studies and sketches of random faces or hands to warm up before I do actual work, even now the page open on my tablet is just sketches with some loose color thrown on top.

That's actually really helpful! Ty ;^;