forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Deleted user

trying to draw something but can’t because I’ve run out of ideas


trying to draw something but can’t cause I have too many ideas and can’t focus on one at a time without either stressing/burning myself out or giving up entirely


trying to draw something but can’t cause I have too many ideas and can’t focus on one at a time without either stressing/burning myself out or giving up entirely

Ugh what a mood. I usually burn myself by this time before I actually even start a drawing.

@PaperHats business

(Ok same here, so does anyone have any requests? Ideas? CHaRaCtErS mAYbE? No for sure promises, but lately I’ve been just strictly drawing memes on the edges of my math paper, so any idea is welcome.)

Deleted user

(Usjmsskosodldlxlxlx I cant finish the sprites until I get ,y phone replacement uggghhhhh)

@Starfast group

A map I made for one of my stories:

It's still kind of a WIP. I'll add in more more towns as I work on the story. For now though, it just has towns that are important either to the story or have significance within the world.

@Reblod flag


I haven't slept properly for four nights now. here's the result of one sleepless night
character is iri. art is painfully average .. .but its Iri so it makes up for it