info Overview
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The Inbound Lands

Description - How would you describe The Inbound Lands?

a playable interactive fiction game at

book History
gavel Rules
edit Notes
history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person M'na Kkaxe

    Created universe about 7 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
This universe contains...
4 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Carrie Cox Carrie Cox is an Artist-in-Residence within The Inbound Lands.
group Coyotl Coyotl (KI-yah-tull) is one of the Long Face Folk, and appears in several of the Bird Folk Legends.He is a Formwalker who moves between the forms of Coyote/Dog and of Walking Folk. He is one half o...
group Corvus Corvus (CORE-vus) is one of the Long Face Folk, and appears in several of the Bird Folk Legends. She is a Formwalker who moves between the forms of Crow and of Walking Folk. She is one half of the ...
group Joseph Heckle A historian and archeologist studying the powerhouse on Mu'silao'ki Island

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Kkaxe River Canyon a region that follows the path of the canyon through the middle of The Inbound Lands, running roughly North to South
terrain The North Reach The North Reach is a region located to the north-northwest of The Inbound Lands.

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Wanonbrehi'ce Food Cart :: Wan-on-breh-HEE-cee [Wan-on-breh (to dine, to eat) hi'ce (to hurry, to encourage)].
emoji_events Telling Deck A standard deck contains 80 cards. However, depending on regional traditions, religious practices, and the purpose of the reading, fortunetellers might switch out certain cards or suites for others...

1 building reorder
business Buildings close
business The Scorium (Hall of Volcanistry) The Scorium: Though officially called The Hall of Volcanistry, this permanent home to the study of the Caldera Volcano is more commonly referred to as The Scorium, nicknamed for the deposits of sco...

12 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag The Bird Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands
flag Inbound Lands The common name for the Birdfolk Merchant Empire
flag Foxen Embassy A bit of claimed land in the (physical) heart of The Inbound Lands.
flag The Shelter Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands
flag The Fern Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands
flag The Flat Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands
flag The Vessel Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands
flag The Peak Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands
flag The Dark Region A jurisdiction of the Inbound Lands
flag The Boat Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands
flag The Light Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands
flag The Cleft Region A jurisdiction of The Inbound Lands

3 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Fauna Birds A general descriptor for the native species of small, flying wildlife
pets Geckos Small, semi-intelligent desert lizards that thrive in cool areas and waterholes
pets Kichede Long Face Folk who eat dreams and memories to sustain their life

1 deity reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Corvus Corvus (CORE-vus) is one of the Long Face Folk, and appears in several of the Bird Folk Legends. She is a Formwalker who moves between the forms of Crow and of Walking Folk. She is one half of the ...

1 flora reorder
eco Floras close
eco Megacycadus A rosette crown of stiff, large evergreen leaves topping a woody, stout trunk.

5 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc The Archaeological Association The Archaeological Association of The Inbound Lands guides, supports, and publishes the major findings of Inbound history.
wc Satta Kkaxe Rockclimbers and canyon guides
wc Birdfolk Flocks Trade-based communities
wc Followers of Corvus A loose religious sect following the tenets and generosities of Corvus
wc Ppahi Kkaxe River guides

1 job reorder
work Jobs close
work Arbiter Arbitors are representatives of the law within the Inbound Lands, though their jurisdiction is generally limited to meting out judgement in specific regions or as related to specialized fields of k...

5 landmarks reorder
location_on Landmarks close
location_on Powell Station Flat Region Ranger Headquarters and Railway Station
location_on Camp Santiago A stretch of land forming a popular Base Camp starting point for travelers climbing Mount Verthandi.
location_on Xowi' Canyon Emerging from the vast desert of The Empty Quarter, Xowi’ Canyon is a massive and ancient earthenworks.
location_on The RJK Dam A glorious and functional national landmark, nestled at the mouth of the First Water River on the slopes of Urd.
location_on The Caldera The dormant volcano at the heart of The North Reach

2 races reorder
face Races close
face Hetchling Folken who are adopted into and committed fully to maintaining Birdfolk culture
face Birdfolk

2 religions reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Corvan A philosophical approach to life that upholds the generosities of Corvus
brightness_7 Ki'ist A philosophical approach to life build on the generosities of Coyotl

3 towns reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city The Citadel Situated on the Sea of Crows, The Citadel is the first and primary city of the Birdfolk in the Inbound Lands
location_city The Fingers A Foxfolk stronghold nestled in the desert buttes
location_city Central Island A small town existing on the oversized, dormant lava dome in the Caldera

This universe was created by M'na Kkaxe on with 1 contributor.

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