info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?

The Fingers

Other names - What other names is The Fingers known by?

The City of The Fingers, loosely associated with The Thumb

Description - How would you describe The Fingers?

A Foxfolk stronghold nestled in the desert buttes

group Populace
face Culture
Laws - What are the major laws in The Fingers?

Though technically under Birdfolk jurisdiction, The Fingers is dominated by Foxfolk. As a reservation, most legal and political matters are under Foxfolk law, with major issues deferred to Birdfolk Council.

This occasionally causes problems with Birdfolk leadership, and as the major outpost in the central part of the desert, travel to The Fingers is largely unavoidable. Flocks have been known to butt heads with Foxfolk policy, dispute Foxen trade rates, or cause minor cultural offenses between the two groups. Additionally, many Foxfolken accused of crimes ask to be tried under Foxen legal systems, leaving a complicated relationship with interspecies justice.

Whether or not your actions might fall under Foxen law largely depends on your position in their borders. As a separate nationstate, Foxfolk do not fly the Trifold Banner standard to Birdfolk domain: their buttes are topped with the Foxen flag, a stacked pair of triangles in green and white, and this emblem marks most of the commercial quarter gates and entrances to trade grounds.

They do, however, post the Trifold banner at the edges of the City of The Fingers, similar to maritime tradition of a courtesy flag (a smaller, local flag, flown by a visiting ship in foreign waters as a sign of respect). These courtesy flags denote when a traveler is reentering into Birdfolk lands and jurisdiction. Additionally, merchants, banks, or Flock representatives may wear pins depicting the Trifold banner, identifying themselves as places to exchange currency, file complaints, or handle legal proceedings that must fall under Birdfolk jurisidiction.

timeline History
Founding story - How was The Fingers founded?

Legend describes Coyotl leading refugee Foxfolk across the Empty Quarter, to the desert buttes that would eventually become their new home. It's unclear whether Coyotl abandoned them at this first habitable oasis, or whether he was later forced out by scandalous circumstances, but suffice to say, the Foxfolk have embedded themselves - and largely isolated themselves - since the encounter.

Though not much is known of their homeland, it goes understood that the Foxen have no ability - or desire - to return; that being said, it is also clear that they have largely not assimilated - even unwilling to completely convert - to Birdfolk practices. They view their claim on The City of The Fingers as a sort of embassy on Birdfolk soil, and despite early efforts to unroot their control, every pre-Unification siege on The Fingers has proven unfruitful. Given its equally unassailable position as an important, necessary outpost and resource base to traveling caravans and riverrunners, various Flocks eventually made peace agreements with the Foxfolk. Post-Unification continued this trend of peace, allowing the Foxen to continue their way of life and their embassy, with some concession to Birdfolk law and Flock trade regulations.

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Layout
folder_open Tourism and Attractions
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Economic Importance

The Fingers is valued as the desert outpost, as the main city before the wastes of The Empty Quarter, and the primary city between Central Island and The Citadel. It is a bustling stop for riverrunners and caravans alike; it is said that no traveler wanders The Inbound Lands without having stepped foot on The Fingers.

Architectural styles

The City of The Fingers is largely built into the stone of the desert buttes themselves, carved into the dense rock as dizzying towers. High above, interconnecting bridges span various parts of the stone forms.

Jutting roofs and tops of buttes are commonly green, used as growing surfaces for various personal plants or city-supported crops.

folder_open Unique Symbolic Associations
Folkloric Associations

The origins of The Fingers is tied to Coyotl, but everyone would rather you not bring that up, thank you.

folder_open Outbound Connections
autorenew Sustainability
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