info Overview
Name - What is Joseph Heckle’s full name?

Joseph Heckle

Age - How old is Joseph Heckle?


Gender - What is Joseph Heckle’s gender?

Joseph is male, with masculine presentation.

Other names - What other aliases does Joseph Heckle go by?

Oki'ce (oh-kee EE-tseh), : lit. translated to "the one who searches for lost things"

Role - What is Joseph Heckle’s role in your story?

A historian and archeologist studying the powerhouse on Mu'silao'ki Island

face Looks
Skin Tone

Due to the underground nature of the Island powerhouse, Joseph's desert tan is fading, though his skin is still a bit weathered.

Body Type

Tall and slender, with a narrow strength.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Joseph Heckle have?

No real identifying marks or scars, though Joseph's hands do carry a number of small, nondescript scars from his work.

Weight - How much does Joseph Heckle weigh?

around 150 lbs

Height - How tall is Joseph Heckle?

Between 5'11" and 6', depending on how straight he's standing.

Hair Color - What color is Joseph Heckle’s hair?

Dark brown, almost black

Hair Style - How does Joseph Heckle style their hair?

His hair is longish, usually pulled back

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Joseph Heckle have?

Joseph has a tightly trimmed, maintained beard.

Eye Color - What is Joseph Heckle’s eye color?

Dark brown, with a ring of near black along the outside

Race - What is Joseph Heckle’s race?

Walking Folk

Linked Races

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Joseph Heckle have?

Though he tends to avoid social situations and prolonged contact with strangers, Joseph is generally calm and reserved, and opens up considerably in the presence of close friends and trusted allies.

Motivations - What motivates Joseph Heckle most?

Joseph is deeply self-motivated and independent, tending to refer to his own value sets for guidance and judgment. As such, he is not easily motivated by social status or reputation, and generally avoids being the center of attention, preferring to work in the background. Though he can be enticed to action by money, the means to gain it must support his values and ethics.

Flaws - What flaws does Joseph Heckle have?

Though Joseph is generally willing to learn from anyone, in his area of expertise, Joseph prefers to work alone to ensure the best job is accomplished efficiently. He doesn't easily allow others into his work routine, and will often work alone even if it makes the job longer or more difficult. He tends to make quick judgments about someone's capacity, and it is an opinion not easily swayed or changed.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Joseph Heckle have?

Though not a Hetchling (and with no desire to be), Joseph often prefers the company of Birdfolk to those of his own Walkingfolk.

Talents - What talents does Joseph Heckle have?

Joseph has a natural talent for repairing empowered items, both onsite as quick fixes as well as detailed repairs at a workbench. This talent has gotten him far, when his natural asocial tendencies would have otherwise left him overlooked.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Joseph Heckle’s occupation?

Historian and Lead (often sole) Archeologist at Mu'silao'ki Powerhouse

Favorite color - What is Joseph Heckle’s favorite color?

Pine green

Favorite possession - What is Joseph Heckle’s favorite possession?

Joseph has a lot of notebooks, all meticulously scripted to detail research and notes, though these are generally contained within his home and offices.

Around the island, Joseph is usually seen carrying a small hatchet, customized with a pick end for minor digging.

Favorite weapon - What is Joseph Heckle’s favorite weapon?

Long knife

Favorite animal - What is Joseph Heckle’s favorite animal?

Joseph has a deep respect for deer, fish, and other food-providing animals.

He generally gets along with most animals, though he dislikes biting insects.

Languages spoken

Religion - What religion does Joseph Heckle practice?

Joseph is pretty secular, preferring neither Corvan, Ki'st, or Walking practices.

Politics - What politics does Joseph Heckle have?

After the events of Xowi' Canyon, Joseph has stayed as far away as possible from any politics.

info History
Birthday - When is Joseph Heckle’s birthday?

August 1st

Education - What is Joseph Heckle’s level of education?

Joseph completed several certification programs at Central Island's Science District and a stint at the RJK Dam powerhouses. A desire to see more of The Inbound Lands led to Joseph pursuing wilderness trainings at The City of The Fingers and advanced coursework at The Sentinels.

His methodical work and excellence with repairing empowered items led to brief employment with several caravans prior to his residency at The Dust Galleon and his work at Xowi' Canyon.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Associations


Artifacts of note

Joseph carries an empowered lantern, whose light is bright and reliable.

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This character was created by M'na Kkaxe on

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