info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Battle Royabb

Description - How would you describe Battle Royabb?

A crossover series featuring various self-inserts.

date_range History
History - What is Battle Royabb’s history?

Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?

Origin - How did Battle Royabb originate?

In 2020, a joke about my ridiculously large number of self-insert characters escalated into an impromptu RP where several ABBsonas (made by other people, not the ones seen here) fought to the death. There can only be one, obviously.

Eventually, in April 2021, the concept of the "Battle Royabb" returned as a annual livestream, in which the actual self-inserts are thrown into the BrantSteele Hunger Games Simulator.

The original RP version is not canon to the current version, although "pilot" ABBsonas may appear as cameos. The name "Battle Royabb" was coined by rainbowsylvie.

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Battle Royabb?

Shaky, at best.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Battle Royabb?

No known inherent system. Works by BYOM (Bring Your Own Magic).

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Battle Royabb?

Much of the tech found within the arena itself is several steps above what's usually available. However, it seems to be pretty average overall, not counting any outliers such as Mayfly's gear.

edit Notes

While Battle Royabb features several universes, it is not canonical to any of them. To prevent confusion (and because doesn't let you place a character in two universes), those found in The KCU will not have any mention of Royabb.

Battle Royabb's logo originally used the font "Times New Roman", but with the rebranding in 2023, it has since been changed to Jenriv Titling.

Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Battle Royabb?

The live streams started shortly after the "Josh Fight", a fundraiser event where several participants named Josh "fought" over the right to be named so.

The content itself was largely inspired by SiIvaGunner's "King for Another Day" tournament, as well as chongoshow's "CPU Kerfuffle" streams. By proxy, it's heavily based on the Super Smash Bros. series.

This universe contains...
18 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Purl Calvin NEEEEERD
group Hathaniel "Asshat" Bitchaloid \*miitopia speech noises*
group Malt Winehouse Generally helpful, but mildly unpredictable cryptid.
group Ginny Winehouse Mildly unpredictable, but generally helpful cryptid.
group Phyllis Merryweather There's THREE of them!?
group Barb Merryweather A bunch of contradictions in a sleeveless trenchcoat.
group Brandy "Astro" Weathers Slam Jamming is an art form.
group Absinthe Weathers Dollar Store Squabb™.
group Aperture Bitchaloid The ever-loyal reporter.
group Andi Park But she was already pouring him a brimming glass of spiders-
group Aristotle B. Bestos The cooler Classic.
group Filler No. 54 bottom text
group Merchant No. 27 No one important.
group Protagonist No. 53 Guess. Guess what his role is.
group Antagonist No. 1 [REDACTED]
group Aldrich Montserrat The world's most dangerous gag character.
group Blurp The local bobot.
group Abbigail M. The "default" ABBsona.

Character chevron_right Director Cut link mentioned Battle Royabb

This universe was created by ABB on

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