info Overview
Name - What is Protagonist No. 53’s full name?

Protagonist No. 53

Role - What is Protagonist No. 53’s role in your story?

Guess. Guess what his role is.

Other names - What other aliases does Protagonist No. 53 go by?

On account of being a Template, Protagonist had an old name that's now been lost to time. Sometimes called "Protag".

Gender - What is Protagonist No. 53’s gender?

Nonbinary (Any pronouns)

Age - How old is Protagonist No. 53?

21; ages in real time.

face Looks
Height - How tall is Protagonist No. 53?

About 5'0.

Body Type


Hair Color - What color is Protagonist No. 53’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Protagonist No. 53 style their hair?

Somewhat wavy shoulder-length hair, worn down.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Protagonist No. 53 have?


Eye Color - What is Protagonist No. 53’s eye color?

Protag's irises are a bright orange. They lack visible pupils.

Race - What is Protagonist No. 53’s race?

Templated Human

Skin Tone

Olive-toned tan.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Protagonist No. 53 have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Protagonist No. 53 have?

Usually a very genuine and upbeat person, but he's clearly under quite a bit of stress, and seems to become less approachable over time.

Motivations - What motivates Protagonist No. 53 most?

Will do anything to remove the Template effects and continue living as a normal person.

Flaws - What flaws does Protagonist No. 53 have?

Can be rather selfish at times, and doesn't seem to be aware of it. Seems to see herself as more good than she actually is, in fact.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Protagonist No. 53 have?

None to think of.

Talents - What talents does Protagonist No. 53 have?

They have very good aim!

Hobbies - What hobbies does Protagonist No. 53 have?

Likes scrapbooking and traditional art, apparently. She's trying to get back into both.


Neutral Good





groups Social
Occupation - What is Protagonist No. 53’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Protagonist No. 53’s favorite color?

Unsurprisingly, it's orange.

Favorite possession - What is Protagonist No. 53’s favorite possession?

Always carries around a scrapbook full of things from their old life, hanging on to the memories for dear life.

Favorite weapon - What is Protagonist No. 53’s favorite weapon?

I dunno, a gun?

Favorite animal - What is Protagonist No. 53’s favorite animal?


Languages spoken (or equivalents thereof)

Speaks English.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Protagonist No. 53’s birthday?

August 28, 2002

Education - What is Protagonist No. 53’s level of education?

High School Graduate

Background - What is Protagonist No. 53’s background?

Protagonist is the newest and most important Template to be created, fated to defeat Antagonist No. 1... somehow. He doesn't really care about doing that, as much as he finds her absolutely fucking reprehensible; they're actually more concerned with getting their memories and life back, unwilling to deal with the new life ahead of them.

Alongside Merchant No. 27, she plans on getting to the bottom of this whole Template phenomenon and stopping it for good.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
ABBUniverses OC Profile

An everyman that’s been erased from both record and memory, along with the other Templates. She’s way too nice for her own good.

Director Cut

Antag was originally from a Discord-based roleplay from 2018, the same as Abigail Merryweather.

Voice Claim

Has no real voice claim, but it's probably going to be me, since she's an ABBsona.

Associated Music by Others

Currently has no associated tracks.

Associated Music from OST

Along with Antagonist No. 1 and Merchant No. 27:
Cogito Ergo Lorem Ipsum

Character chevron_right Other names link mentioned Protagonist No. 53

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Protagonist No. 53

Character chevron_right Associated Music from OST link mentioned Protagonist No. 53

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Protagonist No. 53

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Protagonist No. 53

Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned Protagonist No. 53

Character chevron_right Associates link linked Protagonist No. 53

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