info Overview
Name - What is Andi Park’s full name?

Andi Park

Role - What is Andi Park’s role in your story?

But she was already pouring him a brimming glass of spiders-

Other names - What other aliases does Andi Park go by?

Usually goes by her nickname "Waterglider", or just "Glider".

Gender - What is Andi Park’s gender?

Female (She/They)

Age - How old is Andi Park?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Andi Park?

About 4'10.

Body Type

Thin. Shrimpy, if you will.

Hair Color - What color is Andi Park’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Andi Park style their hair?

Very long, straight hair. Always worn down.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Andi Park have?


Eye Color - What is Andi Park’s eye color?

Irises are cyan, and glow brightly.

Race - What is Andi Park’s race?

Mutated Human

Skin Tone

Olive-toned tan.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Andi Park have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Andi Park have?

A generally delightful person, if a bit talkative. However, they have a scarily high tolerance to what most would consider disturbing or tragic.

Motivations - What motivates Andi Park most?

She simply wants to survive. Unlike Aristotle B. Bestos, she has no issue with never learning whatever caused humanity's downfall.

Flaws - What flaws does Andi Park have?

Despite her bubbly attitude, Andi is wracked with anxiety and does not trust others easily, nor does she assert herself when necessary. She's prone to isolating herself.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Andi Park have?

None to think of.

Talents - What talents does Andi Park have?

Her abilities have contributed greatly to her acrobatics, and just generally being able to fight.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Andi Park have?

Likes to write poetry and fish (though she can't do the latter for food purposes, 'cause that would probably kill her).


Chaotic Neutral




Water Walking, Perfect Balance, Extreme Agility, Weak Hydrokinesis

groups Social
Occupation - What is Andi Park’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Andi Park’s favorite color?

Any shade of green.

Favorite possession - What is Andi Park’s favorite possession?

She considers her raincoat lucky.

Favorite weapon - What is Andi Park’s favorite weapon?

Doesn't need weapons, doesn't like weapons. But if she had to choose, then a polearm.

Favorite animal - What is Andi Park’s favorite animal?

Whales are a rare but cool sight.

Languages spoken (or equivalents thereof)

Speaks English.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Andi Park’s birthday?

December 31, 2006

Education - What is Andi Park’s level of education?

Unable to finish high school for obvious reasons.

Background - What is Andi Park’s background?

Many, many years after nuclear war and natural disasters ravaged the earth and left it in a flooded, irradiated state, Andi escapes stasis from a cryogenics facility and is met with a rude awakening, as everything seemed totally fine last time she was conscious??

Regardless of whatever happened, they set off to find some place that isn't totally devoid of life, and end up gaining superpowers (plus some insight into her distressing past leading up to getting frozen) in the process.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
ABBUniverses OC Profile

A designated nomad floating on the ruins of a flooded earth. Unfortunately, she has a terrible case of thalassophobia. She’s looking for any safe havens left, or possibly a way to leave the planet entirely. She’s quite meek and a little strange.

Director Cut

Andi Park was originally (and kinda still is) a spidersona.

Voice Claim

Has no real voice claim, but it's probably going to be me, since she's an ABBsona.

Associated Music by Others

Currently has no associated tracks.

Associated Music from OST

I Was Not Told About The Cons Of Being A Marine Biologist

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