info Overview
Name - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s full name?

Aperture Bitchaloid

Role - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s role in your story?

The ever-loyal reporter.

Other names - What other aliases does Aperture Bitchaloid go by?

Also known as “Abbigail”, “Abbitha, Destroyer of Worlds”, "Abberture", “Some Guy”, “Ass”, “Bababo-

Gender - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s gender?

Female (She/They)

Age - How old is Aperture Bitchaloid?

21; ages in real time.

face Looks
Height - How tall is Aperture Bitchaloid?

About 5'0. Seems to randomly fluctuate?

Body Type


Hair Color - What color is Aperture Bitchaloid’s hair?

Dark brown.

Hair Style - How does Aperture Bitchaloid style their hair?

Very long, straight hair worn up in a messy bun.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aperture Bitchaloid have?


Eye Color - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s eye color?

Irises are normally light gray, and lack visible pupils.

Race - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s race?


Skin Tone

Olive-toned tan.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aperture Bitchaloid have?

Has some kind of chemical burn around her right eye.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aperture Bitchaloid have?

Aperture is, despite her serious attitude, actually quite polite and cares about... well, everyone. Seems to go with the flow quite easily-- considering where they live, it's easy to see why.

Motivations - What motivates Aperture Bitchaloid most?


Flaws - What flaws does Aperture Bitchaloid have?

They Have No Goddamn Spine.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Aperture Bitchaloid have?

None to think of.

Talents - What talents does Aperture Bitchaloid have?

Obviously good with reporting and public speaking in general. Also weirdly capable of interacting with warped realities and errors in reality.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aperture Bitchaloid have?



Lawful Neutral





groups Social
Occupation - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s occupation?

Field Reporter at the Skyline News Station

Favorite color - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s favorite color?

Hot pink.

Favorite possession - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s favorite possession?

Possessed an impressive collection of plushies. That is, until the boiler room.

Favorite weapon - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s favorite weapon?

Doesn't use weapons, but would probably invest in getting a Sick Knife.

Favorite animal - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s favorite animal?

Fond of rabbits.

Languages spoken (or equivalents thereof)

Speaks English.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Aperture Bitchaloid’s birthday?

December 4, 2002

Education - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s level of education?

Enough to get a job as a reporter.

Background - What is Aperture Bitchaloid’s background?

Aperture joined the Skyline News team as a field reporter with a (sort of underwhelming) background in journalism, but eventually began taking the role of anchorman. She's been working at the station for a good while now, and it definitely shows.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
ABBUniverses OC Profile

Aperture is not in the OC Profile list. This is taken from the Battle Royabb roster document:

A field reporter and anchorwoman of little words, who currently works at the Skyline News Station. She’s quite compassionate and sometimes a total doormat, even if she appears rather asocial at first glance. They’re not in their comfort zone, but maybe this will make for a good story?

Voice Claim

Has no real voice claim, but it's probably going to be me, since she's an ABBsona.

Associated Music by Others

DoYaThing by Gorillaz

Associated Music from OST

Skyline Weekly Forecast Track 149

Character chevron_right Associates link linked Aperture Bitchaloid

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