info Overview
Name - What is Purl Calvin’s full name?

Purl Calvin

Role - What is Purl Calvin’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Purl Calvin go by?

To their chagrin, their name is frequently misspelled as "Pearl".

Gender - What is Purl Calvin’s gender?

Female (She/They)

Age - How old is Purl Calvin?

21; ages in real time.

face Looks
Height - How tall is Purl Calvin?

About 5'0.

Body Type

Slightly beefier than other ABBsonas; they take a pretty hands-on approach to their work.

Hair Color - What color is Purl Calvin’s hair?

Dark brown.

Hair Style - How does Purl Calvin style their hair?

Straight shoulder-length hair, typically worn up in a bun.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Purl Calvin have?


Eye Color - What is Purl Calvin’s eye color?

Purl's irises are a very light gray.

Race - What is Purl Calvin’s race?


Skin Tone

Olive-toned tan.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Purl Calvin have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Purl Calvin have?

Purl acts... quite normal, actually, compared to everyone else. They're chatty and ambiverted, trying to maintain the good vibes if possible; her job has admittedly worn this quality thin, but she's trying. However, they can be quite passive-aggressive at times.

Motivations - What motivates Purl Calvin most?

Purl is an altruist. She's very passionate about what she does, believing it (and the general progress of sciences as a whole) to be a force for good. And if it isn't, she'll make it so, whatever it takes.

Flaws - What flaws does Purl Calvin have?

She's quite conceited, assuming herself to be smarter than everyone else (she is, in fact, self-aware of this). They're also committed to their work, but to where they may put others and themself at risk for its sake. She can essentially be described as "high INT, low WIS".

Prejudices - What prejudices does Purl Calvin have?

None to think of.

Talents - What talents does Purl Calvin have?

Purl is exceptional at engineering-- otherwise, she would have been fired long ago.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Purl Calvin have?

Makes vlogs and little variety content for a Youtube channel when she has the time. Also has recently begun a garden at her place.


Chaotic Good, bordering on Chaotic Neutral


May have some form of ADHD. I might be projecting here. But is it really projecting if it's me...?


Good with Technology

groups Social
Occupation - What is Purl Calvin’s occupation?

She's an engineer for a secret agency. Her main area of expertise is mechanical engineering, but she assists in other areas too.

Favorite color - What is Purl Calvin’s favorite color?

Cyan, but any shade of blue is good, honestly.

Favorite possession - What is Purl Calvin’s favorite possession?

Her laptop, which has lasted forever and will probably continue on far longer than she will. Seriously, that shit runs on Windows 7.

Favorite weapon - What is Purl Calvin’s favorite weapon?

Purl doesn't have a weapon, nor has she worked on any. Really, she'll just opt for throwing whatever's nearby at her opponent.

Favorite animal - What is Purl Calvin’s favorite animal?

you don't like mouse? 🐁? squeak squeak?

Languages spoken (or equivalents thereof)

Speaks English.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Purl Calvin’s birthday?

August 20, 2002

Education - What is Purl Calvin’s level of education?

Master's in Engineering.

Background - What is Purl Calvin’s background?

Sorry, that's classified. This is a secret agency, remember? One with a lot of enemies...

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
ABBUniverses OC Profile

Purl is not in the OC Profile list. This is taken from the Battle Royabb roster document:

A newly-hired engineer for a top-secret agency. She often gets lost in her work, and seems to have very little regard for the safety of both her and her co-workers, but she’s good enough at what she does to remain employed. In fact, they were supposed to be hired on arena staff, but were deemed too reckless to be involved– they took it as a sign to relax and take things easy for a while. Y’know. Via deathmatch.

Director Cut

Purl's origins are a secret to everyone. However, her last name "Calvin" is a reference to Charles Calvin of Henry Stickmin fame.

Voice Claim

Has no real voice claim, but it's probably going to be me, since she's an ABBsona.

Associated Music by Others

Currently has no associated tracks.

Associated Music from OST

Currently has no associated tracks.

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Purl Calvin

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