info Overview
Name - What is Abbigail M.’s full name?

Abbigail M.

Role - What is Abbigail M.’s role in your story?

The "default" ABBsona.

Other names - What other aliases does Abbigail M. go by?

Often referred to as "ABB Classic" or just "Classic".

Gender - What is Abbigail M.’s gender?

Female (She/They)

Age - How old is Abbigail M.?

21; ages in real time.

face Looks
Height - How tall is Abbigail M.?

About 5'0.

Body Type

Thin. She really shouldn't be getting into fights.

Hair Color - What color is Abbigail M.’s hair?

Dark brown.

Hair Style - How does Abbigail M. style their hair?

Straight hair, worn down. Can be of varying lengths.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Abbigail M. have?


Eye Color - What is Abbigail M.’s eye color?

The iris of her remaining "normal" eye is a very light gray, and lacks a visible pupil. The other eyes are dark purple, and fade to red at the edges; they have a dim red glow.

Race - What is Abbigail M.’s race?


Skin Tone

Olive-toned tan.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Abbigail M. have?

I'd say the mess of extra eyes are pretty identifiable.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Abbigail M. have?

Despite being rather quiet, Classic is self-assertive and lets little sway their thoughts, except their emotions. Speaks in a very matter-of-fact manner.

Motivations - What motivates Abbigail M. most?

"All the media says 'dimensional tears, mask corruption, duck robbery'... I just wanna grill, for god's sake!"

Flaws - What flaws does Abbigail M. have?

Very impulsive and quick to anger, but seems to be aware of this, at least.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Abbigail M. have?

None to think of.

Talents - What talents does Abbigail M. have?

Has some bartending and coffee-making knowledge.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Abbigail M. have?

Classic is a Gamer(tm) who Games(tm).


True Neutral


May have some form of ADHD.


Minor Reality-Warping, Energy Manipulation (specifically known as "Combustion"), and Extreme Strength with the full power of the mask. Once it's broken, Classic is heavily nerfed.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Abbigail M.’s occupation?

Bartender and/or barista, depending on the canon.

Favorite color - What is Abbigail M.’s favorite color?

Any shade of red, but mostly burgundy.

Favorite possession - What is Abbigail M.’s favorite possession?

If the ramune fridge in the bar were to break down, expect Classic to cry at least a little.

Favorite weapon - What is Abbigail M.’s favorite weapon?

Doesn't usually use a weapon, but if she had to pick, then she'd opt for a sword.

Favorite animal - What is Abbigail M.’s favorite animal?


Languages spoken (or equivalents thereof)

Speaks English, and Spanish (in theory).

date_range History
Birthday - When is Abbigail M.’s birthday?

You don't remember my birthday!? ;o;

Education - What is Abbigail M.’s level of education?

Enough to be able to run a bar, I guess.

Background - What is Abbigail M.’s background?

Abbigail M. was the bartender for a local nightclub for several years, before soon becoming the owner of her own establishment, cleverly named “The Bar”. They work alongside their fellow ABBsona, Blurp.

At some point, a mask was left at one of the booths. Upon putting on the mask (Why? Why not, don’t think about it too hard, Classic is stupid), they were cursed with a corruption that has nearly taken over their entire face. The mask couldn’t be removed without near-lethal force, and with it came destructive power. She’s making the best of it.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Abbigail M. have?

Not really "pets" persay, but she seems to have formed an alliance with the birds at the local park.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
ABBUniverses OC Profile

The bartender of… The Bar. Was cursed by a mask that’s nigh-impossible to remove, which slowly corrupts the user. Usually affable, if a bit quiet, but it quickly becomes apparent how brash and impulsive they can be.

Voice Claim

It's me. I'm the voice claim.

Associated Music by Others

Mask of My Own Face by Lemon Demon
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives

Associated Music from OST


Along with Blurp:
The Bar

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