info Overview
Name - What is Malt Winehouse’s full name?

Malt Winehouse

Role - What is Malt Winehouse’s role in your story?

Generally helpful, but mildly unpredictable cryptid.

Other names - What other aliases does Malt Winehouse go by?

Malt's name is frequently misremembered, so expect a lot of misnomers.

Gender - What is Malt Winehouse’s gender?

Female (She/They)

Age - How old is Malt Winehouse?

Appears 21; ages in real time.

face Looks
Height - How tall is Malt Winehouse?

About 5'1.

Body Type

Thin, if lightly muscled.

Hair Color - What color is Malt Winehouse’s hair?

Graying medium brown.

Hair Style - How does Malt Winehouse style their hair?

Long, straight hair worn in pigtails.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Malt Winehouse have?


Eye Color - What is Malt Winehouse’s eye color?

Irises are dark purple.

Race - What is Malt Winehouse’s race?

Light Counterpart; Purple Base (HSV: 275, 125, 155)

Skin Tone

Olive-toned tan.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Malt Winehouse have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Malt Winehouse have?

Very outgoing and understanding of others, and can display a knack for showmanship. However, they find their past and personal matters an extremely touchy subject, and will quickly become defensive and isolate themselves if they sense anyone trying to become more than fair-weather friends with them.

Motivations - What motivates Malt Winehouse most?

They want to live comfortably, and just have a good time.

Flaws - What flaws does Malt Winehouse have?

Has a tendency to run away from their problems. Literally. She's not very thick-skinned, either. She seems to be aware of both, but isn't doing much about it.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Malt Winehouse have?

None to think of.

Talents - What talents does Malt Winehouse have?

Shows a great eye for detail and can easily read the room, as well as displaying pretty damn good emotional intelligence. They're also an amazing storyteller, recounting past moments in their travels.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Malt Winehouse have?

Besides travel, they play various sports, even if they're not very good at them. Prefers tennis.


Chaotic Neutral




Strong Teleportation

groups Social
Occupation - What is Malt Winehouse’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Malt Winehouse’s favorite color?

Purple. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Favorite possession - What is Malt Winehouse’s favorite possession?

Due to her lifestyle, she doesn't really have possessions.

Favorite weapon - What is Malt Winehouse’s favorite weapon?

Owns a knife collection, so...

Favorite animal - What is Malt Winehouse’s favorite animal?

The oarfish, for sentimental reasons.

Languages spoken (or equivalents thereof)

Speaks English.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Malt Winehouse’s birthday?

May 18

Education - What is Malt Winehouse’s level of education?


Background - What is Malt Winehouse’s background?

Malt is a socialite on the run, after being kicked out of her hometown for reasons she refuses to explain. Even so, they're making the best of their situation, taking this as a sign to take a well-earned vacation... 200-ish years ago. They have yet to come back, or acknowledge their past at all. Must've been something really bad to affect them for that long...

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
ABBUniverses OC Profile

A traveler taking a gap year or two, or two hundred. As one would expect from someone who can teleport anywhere in the world, they’re very well-versed in many different things and have a lot of stories to tell– they’re often at bars and restaurants being a storyteller for the other patrons. Even so, they’re very closed-off emotionally.

Director Cut

Counterverse belongs to @rainbowsylvie on Tumblr. Associated with the font "Antonio".

Voice Claim

Has no real voice claim, but it's probably going to be me, since she's an ABBsona.

Associated Music by Others

Currently has no associated tracks.

Associated Music from OST

Currently has no associated tracks.

Character chevron_right Associates link linked Malt Winehouse

Character chevron_right Other names link mentioned Malt Winehouse

Character chevron_right Other Relatives link linked Malt Winehouse

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